OP 24 July, 2020 - 05:06 AM
This has as much to do with Sonos than it has to with you. Sonos is commonly referred to as "Shadow's slave" in the chat, that alone is enough proof that you are related to him, and I have presented a lot more than that. From what I see in Bob's scam report against you and Sonos, you definitely hold a great deal of responsibility in his case, and mine as well. I don't think you're taking this seriously with typos and lack of context in your replies.You should also put more effort into the information in your replies; you haven't presented any proof or disputed any claims I have made against you. I just want my money to be returned to me, and to move on; this was whole scenario started not long ago, and could have easily been avoided if you had either been more responsible or at least cared for what was happening. Right now you are representing your case poorly in my eyes. I am attaching a few images that I feel are relevant. https://imgur.com/a/6bIGfg7