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Scam report against 2Fas74Youf and Mastercho 85 Dollars

by expiredDairy - 02 November, 2019 - 04:37 PM
This post is by a banned member (expiredDairy) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 03 November, 2019 - 08:53 PM by expiredDairy.)
Scammers Profile Link: There are two people involved as evidenced by the sales page posted on the forum, but I am only aware of one being on this forum, which is this profile:            @2Fas74Youthe other person would be MasterCho

Sales Thread:

Amount or Item(s)Scammed:  85$ BTC
Screenshots of Communication:              

I apologize for how long this video is, but it shows you that the config does not work. Then he stops responding to me after I tell him even successful card in manual input doesn't show as good card with config.]


Additional Information:    I'm pretty new to cracking gift cards, but not braindead, when it comes to cracking overall. I bought his config around four days ago, since it's 6:40AM right now, so barely four days, more like three... Anyways, I was busy with school so I bought it but wasn't able to try it until yesterday. Literally had it on all day and the CPM wouldn't go higher than 7, and my threads on Capmosnter wouldn't go higher than two, first I was using a cracked capmonster, then I bought real one, still same problem. He was trying to tell me it was prob my computer, then capmonsters fault. BUt then I tried a successfull jj gift card that I had, and low and behold it didn't even register it successfull...

At this point I really want a refund, these people wasted my time, and it's pretty clear that their configs are not good whatsoever.   I asked him to return my money, and he just went offline, but I went on his telegram and saw he was still online, so he was avoiding me...

Even if it was able to succcessfully read cards, the CPM was so slow, it said to read a wordlist it would take a year, I don't know how anyone could feel comfortable with selling such a thing.

This post is by a banned member (expiredDairy) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 03 November, 2019 - 03:46 AM by expiredDairy.)
An updated, frustratnig conversation with his affiliate 2fast4you, very immature. He is trying to tell me that it I can't complain how slow a config works at, even if it is literally inoperable due to the speed it works at, putting a genorous guess that I would MAYBE get one hit in two weeks of  having it on 24/7. I will upload a video of the config in action.   And what he says is so, very ignorant, because he fails to acknowledge that the config literally is broken, that it does not pass successfull hits....

Also something shady going on is that, he has tried to drop from the name 2fast4u to Doberman, but as you can see in the last pictures, his discord plug si the doberman plug I am speaking to.

paid config excel:
Stockx shoppy Mastercho:

Now I have reasonable suspicion that the user @gottik is MasterCho but covering his alas up, let me lend my support.

Please look at imgur gallery

First: He recommends the mercury AIO config to smoeone else looking for jimmyjohn config. Original poster posted 3 weeks ago, he gravedug the post to sell it to him 6 days ago.

two: he Vouches for the sales listing 2fast4u and mastercho make with no proof of purchase.

three: He filed a scam report against chrisftp 6 days ago on a faulty stockx config, dispute ends with him getting a working stock x config

four: within last couple days he has his own stockx config up, with the exact same captures just reworded: Payment type (card capture) and date of expiration (Expire)

five: he lists the stockx config on his paid config excel, within the past couple days, wtthin the time period of receiving the working stock x. 

And also I had checked his config profile before, but did not find a mercury config, it then appeared in last couple days, so it was not as if I purchased it after a period of time that it had been working, and some security updates screwedme over, no, it had been faulty since release. Proof of this is also the recent listing, second to last, listing of the mercury config. Meaning I used the config no more than two days after he released it to sell.

paid config excel:
Stockx shoppy Mastercho:

Update 6:41PM:       After the conversations you saw me have above with his partner doberman, he says, I will try it myself (the cconfig), then he comes back to me and says, you gave me card and pin, I need BID, what is BID. And I say, You do not know the BID? It is necessary to be able to check Jimmy GCs, you wouldn't be able to do it without it, and I told him to ask his friend. For some reason after this, he deleted the discord chat, in fear of soemthing.

Proof of deleted convo;

compare to beginning of this post.

This post is by a banned member (Doberman) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 03 November, 2019 - 04:01 AM by Doberman.)
Ok first as I am third party of this case because the configuration was made and sold by @mastercho and I don't know why did you involve me in this !
As part of Daemonz Services I check all of this case and I will upload now proves how everything works and everything was written in T.O.S about the configuration.

To start from here as mastercho said in his T.O.S under selly : 
Quote:**Please Only Buy if you know how to use it otherwise Don't **

Note: Please bear in mind that requare selenium + captcha. Card:pin + captcha means you better use softwares like Xevil or Capmonster to avoid high cost of captcha solvers.

He never said that the configuration makes 100+ or 100000 CPM ( So like everyone who crack knows that when the configuration requires selenium and captcha solving software or service will don't have much CPMs ). So this is your problem that you don't know how to use the configuration not ours.

About the refund you probably will not get refunded because the configuration works and you are not happy with the CPM , we will leave this to the ADMIN to decide.

Prove of working config :

So thats gif how your valid works :  , even one more hit after that

This is all comunication from our Tickety BOT :

This is feedback from two of his costumers for the same configuration , so the problem I think is in you.

He can give vouch copy to ADMIN, so he can check himself that the cofiguration what he provide works .

And about the closing of ticket we close it because we prefere to talk in the scam report and to save you time from making stuped pictures and to post them here :D :D :D
This post is by a banned member (expiredDairy) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 03 November, 2019 - 04:34 AM by expiredDairy.)
That is quite the bummer sir, you tried to make it seem as if I was lying about the script not working at all by showing evidence that it is working now? When you have dug yourself a hole by doing Two things.

1. Your config is now named Mercury-AIO2, If you look at my video, my config was Mercury AIO, so you guys rushed to update it with the new information of the BID that I hinted you towards that was vital for it to be a successful checker.

2. You have 12 combos on your list and the CPM is absolutely terrible, do me a favor and list a normal bruteforce combo, like 10,000 or 100,000 and show me how many days the program estimates for it to be finished.

Now, just because your product is able to check for successfull  cards now, maybe after weeks of checking for a single hit, would you stilll call that a sellable, working  config? Your gif just shows how slow and utterly unworkable it is.

[Image: SBKybB.png]

You go on to say "even one more hit after that," which is just laughable.

1. it is a still picture, and you made a smart decision to hide the time elapsed between the two, and also the disgustingly low CPM, kudos for thinking ahead on that one.
And how is that impressive? it is in a  list of 12, which you obviously planted another one in??? 
You must be joking, this is laughable how poor you are at covering your footsteps..

[Image: v9TjF2.png]

And your pictures honestly just make your case look worse, and further strengthens the argument that this config is literally unusuable, unsellable by any standards.
You have 12 combos, you begin checking at 1:00:40 AM, with the first hit and 8 bads after 5 minutes, as you can see on the right. Then, to get through  3 more combos, your program ends at 1: 10 :55, meaning it took your config 5 minutes to check 3 combos. If you realize what this means, gift cards are bruteforced, using combos upwards of 800,000. With no guarantee a hit occurrs each 10 grand checks or so; therefore, you are comfortable with selling a product, that expects the customer to wait, about 800,000 minutes for a 800,000 combo of bruting which would likely yield you nothing more than 20 hits at best..... Let me ask anyone who is reading this, if you purchased this product, for 85 dollars, we obviously have some expectations, but nothing extraordinary, but for him to argue that SINCE we never gave a parameter on how long the waiting should be expected, that it is not valid for me to be upset with my purchase? THis config is as good as trash! FYI 800,000 minutes is 555 days. Id have to wait 555 days for 20 hits. YOu have to be joking man, listen to yourself. You sold a config that just does not work, and I dont understand why you are so adamant about refunding me my money., you rid my license, I get my money back, you do your own thing.

This post is by a banned member (mastercho) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 03 November, 2019 - 04:29 AM by mastercho.)
I had to signup to answer to this.

People will know me since 2013 and since Sentry 1.0 as config maker... 
Right about scam report, i renamed the current config to 2 so i can keep same version on file named 2 and try to optimize somehow on other file. 
Like 2Fast4you said i can give copy to admin and he can see. Our warranty is refund or fix if config not works in first 7 days after buying it. So I run tests and config works. I did try your valid from your video and works as in gif
Truly OG Config maker since 2011

DaemonZ Config/Checker Shop
This post is by a banned member (expiredDairy) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 03 November, 2019 - 09:26 PM by expiredDairy.)
(03 November, 2019 - 04:24 AM)mastercho Wrote: Show More
I had to signup to answer to this.

People will know me since 2013 and since Sentry 1.0 as config maker... 
Right about scam report, i renamed the current config to 2 so i can keep same version on file named 2 and try to optimize somehow on other file. 
Like 2Fast4you said i can give copy to admin and he can see. Our warranty is refund or fix if config not works in first 7 days after buying it. So I run tests and config works. I did try your valid from your video and works as in gif

Look I appreciate you talking to me like this, but I am sorry, I really need that refund. I don't foresee any success with the CPM it has. anyways I wish you the best.

my btc address: please and thank you:     37DfuMSRvwfgfuDqn7LXhVjFA1HUQa2rGf

I have also already returned Cap monster, and am not willing to get Xevil, since I was told that capmonster would work with this config prior to me purchasing.

and once again, although it may work, it may be  able to recognize a card when it hits one now, which is thanks to me providing you the code.... This is simply not something you can expect to sell to someone, it would take at least half a month for a handful of hits, and it's not because of my computer, the gif shows the same sloth speed at which it runs, and the to describe it as a sloth is an understatement.       

If anyone is reading this, imagine being sold a 85 dollar config that  "works"  and by that ,I mean,  when it comes across a successfull iht, it will say so, (which I need to say that it did not do this prior me having to discover this myself after about 7 hours of watching the config run through no hits),  but it operates in such a fashion where, especially with bruteforcing,  a HIT will only occur about a handful of times every half of a month.    If you put in a list of 100,000 I believe it says the waiting time is 3400 days.       This is by no means, an operable config, let alone be priced at 85, if anything this should be a learning project open source for people to learn from, there is no way that you can rightfully take money from someone for this product and feel that it was a good trade for both.

I'm still waiting on capmonster support to get back to me so capmonster is still working long enough for me to show you how long the wait time is for a combo.

It would take 700 days to finish this combo. 700 days.

[Image: PxDB7QL.jpg]

UPDATE: 11/3/2019 8:00AM PST, I haven't heard any resolution from either of the two yet... He insists that it is fixed but there is no way that the config is gettting any hits, I would honestly beg for the admin to try it.....     and his partner keeps saying that it isn't his script, but I was led to their discord by his sales thread, his name was on it next to his partner's MasterCho, and there must be a reason why one doesn't hvae premium and the other does, so that one can take the blame instead of two....   Please anyone, after reading what I have posted, is it not ridiculous what they put forth, a crap config and claim I should be fine with it?

Neither of the two have come forward with any type of return or refund.... and they are definitely working together. they refer to everything as we and our for their projects. as seen in the sales thread and discord. I'm sorry if i sound like im whining but I"m upset that these goons are just getting away with 85$ for a terrible excuse as to why they blieve a working config should be enough. when it wasn't even working in the first place. isnt'there any repercussion that can take place?

I am more than willing to show any mod or admin over teamviewer how poor their config was. Plesae, just ask.

[Image: TNLOC2Y.jpg]
[Image: XfurXCj.jpg]

This post is by a banned member (KSZ) - Unhide
Staff Team
6 Years of service
@doenutt regarding your cpm issue, the shoppy advert clearly mentioned that it needed captcha solver and it also is selenium based, hence nobody had to tell you that the cpm will be slow, it is quiet obvious if you have minimal knowledge in cracking.So i am afraid i cant do much anything on that.
However, @2Fas74You send him the correct version , coz the video he posted, his valid was being skipped, so provide him support on that.
For account recoveries and 2fa issues, contact @Liars or @Darkness
For any upgrade-related issues, please private message me on-site.

Alert: Replies may take up to 48 hours.

[Image: I4kF791.gif]

Important note: Do not private message me for IntenseProxy support, instead send an email to [email protected]

This post is by a banned member (Doberman) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(03 November, 2019 - 10:27 PM)KSZ Wrote: Show More
@doenutt regarding your cpm issue, the shoppy advert clearly mentioned that it needed captcha solver and it also is selenium based, hence nobody had to tell you that the cpm will be slow, it is quiet obvious if you have minimal knowledge in cracking.So i am afraid i cant do much anything on that.
However, @2Fas74You send him the correct version , coz the video he posted, his valid was being skipped, so provide him support on that.


As you can see in our conversation with him we were trying to assist and help him to use the config but the only thing that he was wanting is just REFUND REFUND REFUND and we cannot deal with him and I can make you sure that the configuration which we test in the video is the same witch he has and the reason why is renamed is because we work on our version of OB as you see and the encryption is .mth and can't be edited so we aways make one backup file witch is 1:1 copy with the .mth one and if we try to update something to not ruin the working version.
I will make sure that @mastercho will send him the wanted number "2" configuration.

And I would like to be clear to every new or old cracker in this forum. A configuration like this requires RDP with a big amount of ram 64 GB > 128 GB > 256 GB or more ( We are using everyone can check and order whatever RDP he wants ). As a selenium configuration ( hybrid ) the config use chrome tabs witch ate a lot RAM and the ReCaptcha service doesn't matter if its capmosner xeveil or etc. ate a lot RAM, so you can't expect in regular computer or laptop to make a lot of CPM. ( I will give you an example I was running 24/7 configuration like this on Dual L5520 - 72GB DDR3 - 1x2TB SATA with 30-50 bots and the ram was never enough and the CPM was not impressive ) 

And I am really disappointed and upset to you because you never try to DM like normal person or before to buy the config to ask guys how that work, how many CPM it's made, what I will need to run the configuration on 20-30-50-100 cpms and we will give you suggestion or will tell you how much cpm you will make on your server or pc. Now, this will stay like a black spot of our reputation and we will lose some costumers because this fail tries of refund. I and mastercho are in the business for more than 6 years and to be honest the cracking community was never so bad.

But we will take our notes from this and will never sell configurations like this to newbies or if we do it we will make a special T.O.S which will include everything that needs to know.
At the end of this story, I just wanna let everyone know that the configuration works like charm and even after this dispute he agree that the config work 

Picture how mastercho tell him that the configuration is advanced and ask him did he crack before:
Prove of working config VIDEO:

This is picture how mastercho send him the config witch is identical: 

and I would like to let everyone know that we work on another project which will bypass the captcha service, so be patient.

We should work hard now to clean our reputation  Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta

I also would like to thank you @KSZ for the fast response and for the accurate decision.

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