@CutePleb and me and @Jennifer Lopez in a discord group chat
He contact me on discord for trade Paypal to BTC exhcnage
I am sent him 90usd via paypal... after he said he recevied just 60 and deleted all chat history on discord a,...afte ri am take help of @Cutepleb ..We three are in group chat ..later he blocked me
First I got the discord from profile sidebar, and messaged on discord, where when asked he said he received the fund and is getting high fees for sending back. On which I asked him to go for normal priority fees and Jerry add us both to group chat.
User - Jlo then whispered me on sb first claiming that its not his discord in signature and has been changed yesterday too. When asked why not changed password or notified staff, following which he claimed that the account is hacked.
Well if he was hacked, and it was not his discord, he had no reason to contact me on whisper on sb about the deal going on with jerrysale and should not have info about me talking to him on discord as well.