(This post was last modified: 02 November, 2022 - 11:05 PM by TheAxis. Edited 9 times in total.)
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I'll be uploading every 1-2 days

Top Threads (18 October 2022 Onwards - Started to upload again):
1. 60 Likes | 3.6k Views | 23 October 2022
2. 46 Likes | 2.9k Views | 21 October 2022
3. 23 Likes | 1.8k Views | 18 October 2022
4. 21 Likes | 867 Views | 1 November 2022
5. 19 Likes | 1.5k Views | 30 October 2022

Top Threads (100+ Likes):
1. 639 Likes | 68.8k Views | 27 January 2022
2. 489 Likes | 50.5k Views | 23 January 2022
3. 469 Likes | 42.7k Views | 13 January 2022
4. 365 Likes | 48.6k Views | 12 January 2022
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