Hey, Pleth here. So we have developed a phone bot in which it runs online off of a browser, and can be ran from ANYTHING that is able to upload files (the combos used to check the gift cards).
This is mainly used to check gift cards balances over the phone when its not possible through Openbullet, but can be used for many other purposes.
This can be ran from your phone, computer, tablet, anything.
Online, can be ran everywhere.
Config Making System (Simple, yet powerful)
Phone Captcha Compatibility
Free Twilio credit method included.
Pictures of phone bot:
We have two plans:
200$/Month (You can run this anywhere, at any time. This is unlike anything released before. Worth the price)
1,000$/Lifetime (You will receive this forever).
Let us know if interested by either:
Messaging us on here.
Messaging us on tele @ https://t.me/plethy
Messaging us on discord @ Plethy#5183
Joining our server and making a ticket @ https://discord.gg/aPQxENn5fB
Thank you and let us know if interested!