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Disinfector Applications
We are accepting applications for fulfilling the vacancy of 2 disinfectors.
Applicants, if accepted, will undergo an initial voluntary trial phase.
If their performance is satisfactory at this phase's end,
the opportunity to receive payments for their work will be made available to them.

Disinfector's Requirements:
  • Experience in malware analysis, removal, and prevention.
  • Capable of dedicating a minimum of two sessions of at least 30 minutes daily to the forum.
  • General knowledge of programming languages and reverse engineering
  • A strong understanding of how malicious software is injected and spread
Disinfector's Duties:
  • Detection and removal of malicious software throughout the forum
  • Reviewing software/tool threads before they are publicly released.
  • Providing knowledgeable information and assistance in the disinfection of an infected machine
How to Apply:
Send your applications to @Applications using the Private Messaging system.
Make sure that the message subject is "Disinfector Application." (people that fail to do this will be
One sentence applications will be
ignored and the user blacklisted from future recruitment.
Include your time zone in the application.

You only have until the deadline below to submit your applications.

Applications before the date of this post will be ignored.
Deadline for submission: November 18th, 2022
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Before conducting any form of business confirm my identity through onsite PM.