OP 15 January, 2022 - 01:38 AM
Remove sticky thread from banned users.
Members can still see the thread as important threads while the OP is banned. There could be dumb/less-smart members that still contacts OP to purchase or something.
I hope and think this makes sense, no further explanation needed.
Spotify | YouTube | Telegram Premium | Disney Plus | Udemy | Google One
Telegram: @MoruqTG Telegram Channel: @MoruqShop
DC: Moruq#1321 (1038242196949831761)
Website: moruq.xyz
Members can still see the thread as important threads while the OP is banned. There could be dumb/less-smart members that still contacts OP to purchase or something.
I hope and think this makes sense, no further explanation needed.
Spotify | YouTube | Telegram Premium | Disney Plus | Udemy | Google One
Telegram: @MoruqTG Telegram Channel: @MoruqShop
DC: Moruq#1321 (1038242196949831761)
Website: moruq.xyz