add a rule making it so that kids dont ask to
"set your sigature to this in order to join"
if that is allowed then i suggest allowing "must like inorder to join"
its called a giveaway for a reason its not hey give me this i give you this..
giveaway = giving awa shit for free no requests
if you asking for sth inorder to join then dont even bother makin a giveaway....
it wouldnt be a giveaway anymore
fuckin sickening.. aint gonna call out any names just make it a rule
giveaway = no requirements other than replying to the thread
"set your sigature to this in order to join"
if that is allowed then i suggest allowing "must like inorder to join"
its called a giveaway for a reason its not hey give me this i give you this..
giveaway = giving awa shit for free no requests
if you asking for sth inorder to join then dont even bother makin a giveaway....
it wouldnt be a giveaway anymore
fuckin sickening.. aint gonna call out any names just make it a rule
giveaway = no requirements other than replying to the thread
you're not ugly, you are just fat. go touch grass