This post is by a banned member (Yanisey) - Unhide
15 March, 2024 - 02:44 AM
This post is by a banned member (DFSGTR666) - Unhide
15 March, 2024 - 08:41 AM
(14 March, 2024 - 06:20 AM)VolCoder Wrote: Show MoreQSDCERVRXworm 5.6
This Is Cracked Version Use it on RDP or VM
Features And Requirments
Show ContentSpoiler:
✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse - Keyboard - AutoSave - Window]
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory - Script - RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS - IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart - Close - Uninstall - Update - Block - Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown - Restart - Logoff]
⭐️ Options :
✅ BlankScreen [Enable - Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable - Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable - Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable - Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable - Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable - Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ RemovePlugins
✅ DeleteRestore
⭐️ Password Recovery :
✅ | Passwords - Cookies - CreditCards - Bookmarks - Downloads - Keywords - History - Autofill |
✅ | Chromium - Discord Tokens - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi Keys |
⭐️ Pastime :
✅ CD ROOM [Open - Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show - Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap - Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show - Hide]
✅ Screen [ON - OFF]
✅ Volume [Up - Down - MUTE]
✅ Start [Show - Hide]
✅ Clock [Show - Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start - Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show - Hide]
? Extra 1 :
✅ ReportWindow
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FilesSearcher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]
? Extra 2 :
✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt - PowerShell - explorer | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion
? Tasks :
✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ Recovery
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients
? New Features :
✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Support All Systems
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Multi screen support
✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method
✅ You can scroll up/down on some apps [Monitor - HVNC]
✅ File Manager Updated
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden Browser
✅ Remote Dekstop Updated
✅ Process Manager Updated
✅ Enable,Disable MouseMove
✅ HVNC Fixed
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Ngrok-Installer
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Get File Hash [File manager]
? [ ✅ Lifetime - ✅ Support - ✅ Updates ]
⚙️ Requirements :
? .Net Framework 4.5 [Controller]
? .Net Framework 4.0 [Client]
⬆️ Size : 49.0 KB [Full Features]
Download Link
Don't Leech and Leave Like
This post is by a banned member (knrgnn) - Unhide
15 March, 2024 - 01:59 PM
[font][font][font][font]XWORM [/font][/font][/font][/font][font][font]Dzięki[/font][/font]
(14 March, 2024 - 06:20 AM)VolCoder Wrote: Show More[font][font]Xworm 5.6[/font]
[font][font]To jest popękana wersja. Użyj go na RDP lub VM. [/font][/font]
[font][font]Funkcje i wymagania[/font][/font][/font]
Show ContentSpoiler:
✅ Informacje[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Monitoruj [Mysz - Klawiatura - Autozapis - Okno][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Uruchom plik [Dysk - Link - Pamięć - Skrypt - RunPE][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Kamera internetowa [AutoSave][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Mikrofon[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Dźwięk systemowy[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Otwarty adres URL [widoczny - niewidoczny][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Połączenia TCP[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ ActiveWindows[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ StartupManager[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Edytor rejestru[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Menedżer procesów[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Menedżer schowka[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Powłoka[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zainstalowane programy[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Atak DDos[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Kompilator VB.Net[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Menedżer lokalizacji [GPS - IP][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Menedżer plików[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Klient [Uruchom ponownie - Zamknij - Odinstaluj - Aktualizuj - Zablokuj - Uwaga][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zasilanie [Zamknij - Uruchom ponownie - Wyloguj][/font][/font]
[font][font]⭐️ Opcje:[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Pusty ekran [Włącz - Wyłącz][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ TaskMgr [Włącz - Wyłącz][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Regedit [Włącz - Wyłącz ][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ UAC [Włącz - wyłącz][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zapora sieciowa [Włącz - wyłącz][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Windows Update [Włącz - wyłącz][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Invoke-BSOD[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ ResetScale[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Instalacja .Net 3.5[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Usuń wtyczki[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ DeleteRestore[/font][/font]
[font][font]⭐️ Odzyskiwanie hasła:[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ | [/font][font]Hasła - Pliki cookie - Karty kredytowe - Zakładki - Pobieranie - Słowa kluczowe - Historia - Autouzupełnianie | [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ | [/font][font]Chromium – Tokeny Discord – Sesja Telegramu – Klucz produktu – MetaMask – InternetExplorer – FileZilla – Klucze Wi-Fi | [/font][/font]
[font][font]⭐️ Rozrywka:[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ POKÓJ CD [Otwórz - Zamknij][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Ikony pulpitu [Pokaż - Ukryj][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ SwapMouse [Zamień - Normalnie][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Pasek zadań [Pokaż - Ukryj][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Ekran [WŁĄCZ - WYŁĄCZ][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Głośność [Góra - Dół - WYCISZ][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Start [Pokaż - Ukryj][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zegar [Pokaż - Ukryj][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Mów tekst[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Eksplorator [Start - Zabij][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ TrayNotify [Pokaż - Ukryj][/font][/font]
[font][font]? [/font][font]Extra 1:[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ ReportWindow[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Czat głosowy[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Wydajność[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Edytuj hosty[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Czat klienta[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ FilesSearcher[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Polecenia[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Obejście UAC [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper][/font][/font]
[font][font]? [/font][font]Dodatkowe 2:[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Odwrotny serwer proxy[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Instalator Ngrok[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ HVNC | [/font][font]CommandPrompt — PowerShell — eksplorator | [/font][font]| [/font][font]EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [/font][font][CloneProfile][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Ukryty RDP[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Ukryte aplikacje[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Ukryty RDP[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zabójca botów[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ WDKiller[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ WDDisable[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ WDExclusion[/font][/font]
[font][font]? [/font][font]Zadania:[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ GetKeylogger[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Otwórz adres URL [Widoczny - Niewidoczny][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Odzyskiwanie[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Uruchom plik [Dysk - Link - Pamięć][/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ DiscordToken[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ TelegramSession[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ MetaMask[/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ WDExclusion [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zaktualizować wszystkich klientów [/font][/font]
[font][font]? [/font][font]Nowe funkcje: [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Przeciągnij i upuść pliki [Menedżer plików - Monitor - HVNC] [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Uruchom HVNC w pamięci [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Kopiuj / wklej tekst [HVNC] [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Wyodrębnij miniaturę wideo [Menedżer plików] [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Naprawiono lukę w zabezpieczeniach [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Obsługuj wszystkie systemy [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zmień nazwę grupy [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Wiele obsługa ekranu [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Naprawiono obejście UAC + metodę Fodhelper [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Możesz przewijać w górę/w dół niektórych aplikacji [Monitor - HVNC] [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zaktualizowano menedżera plików [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Ukryte aplikacje [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Ukryta przeglądarka [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zaktualizowano zdalny Dekstop [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zaktualizowano menedżera procesów [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Włącz, wyłącz ruch myszy [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Naprawiono HVNC [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Zaktualizowano wtyczki odzyskiwania [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Ngrok-Installer [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Czat głosowy [/font][/font]
[font][font]✅ Uzyskaj skrót pliku [menedżer plików] [/font][/font]
[font][font]? [/font][font][ ✅ Dożywotnia - ✅ Wsparcie - ✅ Aktualizacje ] [/font][/font]
[font][font]⚙️ Wymagania [/font][/font]
[font][font]:? [/font][font].Net Framework 4.5 [Kontroler] [/font][/font]
[font][font]? [/font][font].Net Framework 4.0 [Klient] [/font][/font]
[font][font]⬆️ Rozmiar: 49,0 KB [Pełne funkcje] [/font][/font]
[font][font]Link do pobrania [/font][/font]
[font][font]Don’t Leech i zostaw Like[/font][/font]
This post is by a banned member (encod3d) - Unhide
15 March, 2024 - 04:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 15 March, 2024 - 07:35 PM by encod3d. Edited 1 time in total.
Edit Reason: timewaster
(14 March, 2024 - 06:20 AM)VolCoder Wrote: Show MoreXworm 5.6
This Is Cracked Version Use it on RDP or VM
Features And Requirments
Show ContentSpoiler:
✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse - Keyboard - AutoSave - Window]
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory - Script - RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS - IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart - Close - Uninstall - Update - Block - Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown - Restart - Logoff]
⭐️ Options :
✅ BlankScreen [Enable - Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable - Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable - Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable - Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable - Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable - Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ RemovePlugins
✅ DeleteRestore
⭐️ Password Recovery :
✅ | Passwords - Cookies - CreditCards - Bookmarks - Downloads - Keywords - History - Autofill |
✅ | Chromium - Discord Tokens - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi Keys |
⭐️ Pastime :
✅ CD ROOM [Open - Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show - Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap - Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show - Hide]
✅ Screen [ON - OFF]
✅ Volume [Up - Down - MUTE]
✅ Start [Show - Hide]
✅ Clock [Show - Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start - Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show - Hide]
? Extra 1 :
✅ ReportWindow
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FilesSearcher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]
? Extra 2 :
✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt - PowerShell - explorer | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion
? Tasks :
✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ Recovery
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients
? New Features :
✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Support All Systems
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Multi screen support
✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method
✅ You can scroll up/down on some apps [Monitor - HVNC]
✅ File Manager Updated
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden Browser
✅ Remote Dekstop Updated
✅ Process Manager Updated
✅ Enable,Disable MouseMove
✅ HVNC Fixed
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Ngrok-Installer
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Get File Hash [File manager]
? [ ✅ Lifetime - ✅ Support - ✅ Updates ]
⚙️ Requirements :
? .Net Framework 4.5 [Controller]
? .Net Framework 4.0 [Client]
⬆️ Size : 49.0 KB [Full Features]
Download Link
Don't Leech and Leave Like
4c 6f 6f 6b 20 62 65 68 69 6e 64 20 79 6f 75 20 3a 28
This post is by a banned member (VolCoder) - Unhide
OP 15 March, 2024 - 07:28 PM
(15 March, 2024 - 04:28 PM)encod3d Wrote: Show More (14 March, 2024 - 06:20 AM)VolCoder Wrote: Show MoreXworm 5.6
This Is Cracked Version Use it on RDP or VM
Features And Requirments
Show ContentSpoiler:
✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse - Keyboard - AutoSave - Window]
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory - Script - RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS - IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart - Close - Uninstall - Update - Block - Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown - Restart - Logoff]
⭐️ Options :
✅ BlankScreen [Enable - Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable - Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable - Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable - Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable - Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable - Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ RemovePlugins
✅ DeleteRestore
⭐️ Password Recovery :
✅ | Passwords - Cookies - CreditCards - Bookmarks - Downloads - Keywords - History - Autofill |
✅ | Chromium - Discord Tokens - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi Keys |
⭐️ Pastime :
✅ CD ROOM [Open - Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show - Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap - Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show - Hide]
✅ Screen [ON - OFF]
✅ Volume [Up - Down - MUTE]
✅ Start [Show - Hide]
✅ Clock [Show - Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start - Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show - Hide]
? Extra 1 :
✅ ReportWindow
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FilesSearcher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]
? Extra 2 :
✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt - PowerShell - explorer | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion
? Tasks :
✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ Recovery
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients
? New Features :
✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Support All Systems
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Multi screen support
✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method
✅ You can scroll up/down on some apps [Monitor - HVNC]
✅ File Manager Updated
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden Browser
✅ Remote Dekstop Updated
✅ Process Manager Updated
✅ Enable,Disable MouseMove
✅ HVNC Fixed
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Ngrok-Installer
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Get File Hash [File manager]
? [ ✅ Lifetime - ✅ Support - ✅ Updates ]
⚙️ Requirements :
? .Net Framework 4.5 [Controller]
? .Net Framework 4.0 [Client]
⬆️ Size : 49.0 KB [Full Features]
Download Link
Don't Leech and Leave Like
Remember the password next time.
if you saw the replay you will see the password reported as Leecher
This post is by a banned member (encod3d) - Unhide
15 March, 2024 - 07:32 PM
(15 March, 2024 - 07:28 PM)VolCoder Wrote: Show More (15 March, 2024 - 04:28 PM)encod3d Wrote: Show More (14 March, 2024 - 06:20 AM)VolCoder Wrote: Show MoreXworm 5.6
This Is Cracked Version Use it on RDP or VM
Features And Requirments
Show ContentSpoiler:
✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse - Keyboard - AutoSave - Window]
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory - Script - RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS - IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart - Close - Uninstall - Update - Block - Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown - Restart - Logoff]
⭐️ Options :
✅ BlankScreen [Enable - Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable - Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable - Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable - Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable - Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable - Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ RemovePlugins
✅ DeleteRestore
⭐️ Password Recovery :
✅ | Passwords - Cookies - CreditCards - Bookmarks - Downloads - Keywords - History - Autofill |
✅ | Chromium - Discord Tokens - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi Keys |
⭐️ Pastime :
✅ CD ROOM [Open - Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show - Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap - Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show - Hide]
✅ Screen [ON - OFF]
✅ Volume [Up - Down - MUTE]
✅ Start [Show - Hide]
✅ Clock [Show - Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start - Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show - Hide]
? Extra 1 :
✅ ReportWindow
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FilesSearcher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]
? Extra 2 :
✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt - PowerShell - explorer | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion
? Tasks :
✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ Recovery
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients
? New Features :
✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Support All Systems
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Multi screen support
✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method
✅ You can scroll up/down on some apps [Monitor - HVNC]
✅ File Manager Updated
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden Browser
✅ Remote Dekstop Updated
✅ Process Manager Updated
✅ Enable,Disable MouseMove
✅ HVNC Fixed
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Ngrok-Installer
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Get File Hash [File manager]
? [ ✅ Lifetime - ✅ Support - ✅ Updates ]
⚙️ Requirements :
? .Net Framework 4.5 [Controller]
? .Net Framework 4.0 [Client]
⬆️ Size : 49.0 KB [Full Features]
Download Link
Don't Leech and Leave Like
Remember the password next time.
if you saw the replay you will see the password reported as Leecher
I also reported you as time waster.
4c 6f 6f 6b 20 62 65 68 69 6e 64 20 79 6f 75 20 3a 28
This post is by a banned member (Trex23424) - Unhide
15 March, 2024 - 09:03 PM
(14 March, 2024 - 06:20 AM)VolCoder Wrote: Show Moreyo thXworm 5.6
This Is Cracked Version Use it on RDP or VM
Features And Requirments
Show ContentSpoiler:
✅ Information
✅ Monitor [Mouse - Keyboard - AutoSave - Window]
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory - Script - RunPE]
✅ WebCam [AutoSave]
✅ Microphone
✅ System Sound
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ TCP Connections
✅ ActiveWindows
✅ StartupManager
✅ Registry Editor
✅ Process Manager
✅ Clipboard Manager
✅ Shell
✅ Installed Programs
✅ DDos Attack
✅ VB.Net Compiler
✅ Location Manager [GPS - IP]
✅ File Manager
✅ Client [Restart - Close - Uninstall - Update - Block - Note]
✅ Power [Shutdown - Restart - Logoff]
⭐️ Options :
✅ BlankScreen [Enable - Disable]
✅ TaskMgr [Enable - Disable]
✅ Regedit [Enable - Disable]
✅ UAC [Enable - Disable]
✅ Firewall [Enable - Disable]
✅ Windows Update [Enable - Disable]
✅ Invoke-BSOD
✅ ResetScale
✅ .Net 3.5 Install
✅ RemovePlugins
✅ DeleteRestore
⭐️ Password Recovery :
✅ | Passwords - Cookies - CreditCards - Bookmarks - Downloads - Keywords - History - Autofill |
✅ | Chromium - Discord Tokens - TelegramSession - ProductKey - MetaMask - InternetExplorer - FileZilla - Wifi Keys |
⭐️ Pastime :
✅ CD ROOM [Open - Close]
✅ DesktopIcons [Show - Hide]
✅ SwapMouse [Swap - Normal]
✅ TaskBar [Show - Hide]
✅ Screen [ON - OFF]
✅ Volume [Up - Down - MUTE]
✅ Start [Show - Hide]
✅ Clock [Show - Hide]
✅ Text Speak
✅ Explorer [Start - Kill]
✅ TrayNotify [Show - Hide]
? Extra 1 :
✅ ReportWindow
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Performance
✅ Edit Hosts
✅ KeyLogger [Offline - Online]
✅ Client Chat
✅ FilesSearcher
✅ Commands
✅ MessageBox / BallonTooltip
✅ UAC Bypass [RunAs - Cmstp - Fodhelper]
? Extra 2 :
✅ Reverse Proxy
✅ Ngrok Installer
✅ HVNC | CommandPrompt - PowerShell - explorer | | EdgeBrowser - BraveBrowser - FireFoxBrowser - ChromeBrowser | [CloneProfile]
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden RDP
✅ Bot killer
✅ WDKiller
✅ WDDisable
✅ WDExclusion
? Tasks :
✅ GetKeylogger
✅ Open Url [Visible - Invisible]
✅ Recovery
✅ Run File [Disk - Link - Memory]
✅ DiscordToken
✅ TelegramSession
✅ MetaMask
✅ WDExclusion
✅ Update All Clients
? New Features :
✅ Drag And Drop Files [File Manager - Monitor - HVNC]
✅ Run HVNC In Memory
✅ Copy / Paste Text [HVNC]
✅ Extract Video Thumbnail [File manager]
✅ Vulnerability Fixed
✅ Support All Systems
✅ Change Group Name
✅ Multi screen support
✅ Bypass UAC Fixed + Fodhelper method
✅ You can scroll up/down on some apps [Monitor - HVNC]
✅ File Manager Updated
✅ Hidden Apps
✅ Hidden Browser
✅ Remote Dekstop Updated
✅ Process Manager Updated
✅ Enable,Disable MouseMove
✅ HVNC Fixed
✅ Recovery Plugins Updated
✅ Ngrok-Installer
✅ Voice Chat
✅ Get File Hash [File manager]
? [ ✅ Lifetime - ✅ Support - ✅ Updates ]
⚙️ Requirements :
? .Net Framework 4.5 [Controller]
? .Net Framework 4.0 [Client]
⬆️ Size : 49.0 KB [Full Features]
Download Link
Don't Leech and Leave Like
yo thanks man been looking for this for funzies
This post is by a banned member (peepoo222) - Unhide
15 March, 2024 - 10:52 PM