A good promotion for regular customers. I will take one person for a long-term job. For a month I will provide you with databases for any of your tasks. Paying once, you will not buy bases for a whole month. Now I'm in the hospital a little bit. And I need some money.
After paying $ 500, I will provide you with all my bases. And for a whole month I will deliver fresh bases every day. Yes, it's not particularly profitable for me - but I need a reputation. And regular satisfied customers.
Telegram: @TeslaReload (Darxe)
Discord: darxe#2047
Matrix - Element: https://matrix.to/#/@darxe:matrix.org
I have profiles with reputations on other forums as well. As well as the channels in the telegram.
After paying $ 500, I will provide you with all my bases. And for a whole month I will deliver fresh bases every day. Yes, it's not particularly profitable for me - but I need a reputation. And regular satisfied customers.
Telegram: @TeslaReload (Darxe)
Discord: darxe#2047
Matrix - Element: https://matrix.to/#/@darxe:matrix.org
I have profiles with reputations on other forums as well. As well as the channels in the telegram.