this config has a file output please follow this guide if you want to save your hits to a file
1: Make a Hits Folder where your Openbullet.exe is located
2: inside the hits folder make a Folder called Showtime
3: Your Done just run the config in the config will save all the paid hits to a txt file called Paid.txt
Free | Expired Accounts go to custom
btw ignore the birthday ( it's the same date i needed it for something )
this config has a file output please follow this guide if you want to save your hits to a file
1: Make a Hits Folder where your Openbullet.exe is located
2: inside the hits folder make a Folder called Showtime
3: Your Done just run the config in the config will save all the paid hits to a txt file called Paid.txt
Free | Expired Accounts go to custom
btw ignore the birthday ( it's the same date i needed it for something )