Contacted the seller for a particular method that I did not have and ended up buying the entire thing. All in all, the seller is super friendly and one of the most knowledgeable people in the entire scene. All the methods are well-researched and explained lucidly through the guides. However, none of the guides spoon-feed you unless you apply your own skills too and that is the part that I like the most. If you fail at any point of time, you can just approach him and he will get it sorted for you.
Communication from the Seller: 10/10
Applicability of the Methods: 9/10
This sale should rather be treated as an investment as the seller promises long-term benefits from this AIO. Kat likes challenges and he always keeps himself up-to-date with the new methods that pop up every other day.
P.S: I haven't tried any of the methods so far since I only purchased today but from my experience, I believe this sale can usher in a new era of refunding.