OP 25 September, 2020 - 12:04 AM
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.to/babyhomie
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: -
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 50$
Screenshots of Communication: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/7...nknown.png
Additional Information:
Alright so after comparing it with another member of the community its a rip of NyanX's clipper here are screenshots of proof: https://github.com/NYAN-x-CAT/Bitcoin-Gr...Program.cs
His Source Code:
NyanX Source Code: NyanX
Source Code:
BabyHomies Code:
NyanX's Source:
its almost a clone he added a few extra functions for antivm however this is for sure just a rip from nyans project. Also his spreading methods where very lazy, and where clearly made with minnimal effort, clearly not worth the $50 since the clipper is just another paste *All the spreading methods where public)
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund: bc1qcp638h6hpyvpgpcenphhzpvhjdn29u8kwhkuyd
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: -
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 50$
Screenshots of Communication: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/7...nknown.png
Additional Information:
Alright so after comparing it with another member of the community its a rip of NyanX's clipper here are screenshots of proof: https://github.com/NYAN-x-CAT/Bitcoin-Gr...Program.cs
His Source Code:
NyanX Source Code: NyanX
Source Code:
BabyHomies Code:
NyanX's Source:
its almost a clone he added a few extra functions for antivm however this is for sure just a rip from nyans project. Also his spreading methods where very lazy, and where clearly made with minnimal effort, clearly not worth the $50 since the clipper is just another paste *All the spreading methods where public)
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund: bc1qcp638h6hpyvpgpcenphhzpvhjdn29u8kwhkuyd