OP 15 April, 2023 - 11:55 PM
Scammers Profile Link: @Moloche
Sales Thread: https://cracked.io/Thread-Supreme-WTB-configs
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 50$
Screenshots of Communication: https://gofile.io/d/A0GGzB
Additional Information: The configs I bought are not working with the correct capture. Sonic only captures card, while he said it matched the capture in the thread (which is card/balance). Fubo simply doesn't capture subscription. Fabletics doesn't capture credits. He claims that in the thread it says credits/payment and the / means an or, but how would anyone misinterpret this is beyond me. Besides, the fubo config doesn't capture the plan anyhow. I do not really care about the $50, but I do want the configs.
Crypto address for a refund: Will provide if he actually decides to refund (extremely unlikely).
Sales Thread: https://cracked.io/Thread-Supreme-WTB-configs
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 50$
Screenshots of Communication: https://gofile.io/d/A0GGzB
Additional Information: The configs I bought are not working with the correct capture. Sonic only captures card, while he said it matched the capture in the thread (which is card/balance). Fubo simply doesn't capture subscription. Fabletics doesn't capture credits. He claims that in the thread it says credits/payment and the / means an or, but how would anyone misinterpret this is beyond me. Besides, the fubo config doesn't capture the plan anyhow. I do not really care about the $50, but I do want the configs.
Crypto address for a refund: Will provide if he actually decides to refund (extremely unlikely).