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Scam report on TRADESY | $212.50

by lunacy - 11 August, 2023 - 03:18 PM
This post is by a banned member (TRADESY) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 13 August, 2023 - 11:37 PM by TRADESY. Edited 3 times in total.)
I'm not writing this for you, I'm writing this for stuff-member.
I notified you that the signals are obtained through DM. You wanted a server with two people, you got it.

It doesn't matter how often signals are updated - as long as they are up to date, they work

""But respected lunacy doesn't want to buy them and get profit" I bought some of the things from the signals after purchasing the guide, not sure why you're making so many assumptions about me"

Is this some kind of joke? You bought items from my portfolios- you get potentional profit, but I have to give you money back for quality goods? It does seem like a joke, because he explicitly states that he is using my book/signals - potentially making a profit, but demanding a refund. This is something out of a fantasy

I don't know what's in your head or what the description should be, but you could have asked all these questions when you bought it. Everything is as described -
Portfolios are constantly updated, this means that I add a position there, edit prices and so on (when it is relevant - period of 3 months, it is not relevant about what is said in portfolio
Signals are provided when available.

Dear stuff-member, please close this dispute, I want to continue to honestly fulfill my obligations to customers. There is already enough information to realize that something strange is going on with this guy
I can make a big disclamer in the thread on similar instances, but I haven't had a single problem with anyone. This is clearly Mr. lunacy problem, but I get it

"If I had known that the latest signals was gonna be over 3+ months old, there was not going to be a discord server after I pay and no "important news and current investment signals/tips" are in it then I wouldn't of bought both the ebooks or the csgo book by itself"

This guy apparently doesn't read or doesn't want to read my posts. It's the off-season in cs:go, in the 20 days since his purchase there has simply been NO IMPORTANT NEWS in CS:GO RIGHT NOW.
You got actual portfolios and it doesn't matter what month is in their name (I'll just remove the word may from there and your arguments will become complete nonsense) becasue these portfolios are still relevant and you can make money on them, which you confirmed with the message above.

"was there a discord server after I paid? no, it wasn't even setup + signals are a bit misleading by saying "Сonstantly updated""

What difference does it make if you get info in a DM or on a discord server where it's just you and I. BIG LOL.
I remind you once again that you have been opovosted about this and totally agree -

When I realized you have a weird fetish for discord servers, I created one and immediately invited you. I also sent 3 buyers an invite and am still waiting for them to show up on the server. But I want to repeat myself because apparently you don't understand my past posts -
becasue these portfolios are still relevant and you can make money on them, which you confirmed with the message above.
Also, I want to refresh your memory and remind you that I warned you that there is a new version of the game coming and there will be alerts when it comes out. *NO IMPORTANT NEWS in CS:GO RIGHT NOW.* [Image: pepi.png]

But let's get back to the point - you bought my ebook to make money in investing. You confirmed that you got the information on what to buy and you bought it. That means you actually potentially made money on it (it's an investment, you have to wait for the price increase you were warned about in the first lines of the portfolio), but you're asking for a refund [Image: who.png][Image: who.png][Image: who.png][Image: who.png][Image: who.png][Image: who.png]

I offered you an adequate option - the server will grow in the near future (as the ebook is purchased), I am actively preparing news on CS2 (as they become available) and we will discuss everything in live mode. So far you've already got up to date information on what to invest in and have done so. Expect your profit and follow the information with me.
Also you can understand the short term trades on your own based on my book. If you have any questions, I can always help you out

Just end this nonsense.
This post is by a banned member (Darkness) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
@TRADESY Please PM me and @Liars with the screenshots of communication within 24hrs
[Image: x3ZZJg3.gif]
[TOP SPOT] Ad by @Credential - Until 26.07

[Image: vUjneFC.gif]
[MIDDLE SPOT] Ad by @EPLUG - Until 25.08

[Image: wstC0oL.gif]
[BOTTOM SPOT] Ad by @Inshadegang - Until 7.08

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the ads shown above. They're paid advertisements. Please make sure to confirm via PM before contacting me. I do not sell, buy or exchange anything. Be careful of impersonators & scammers.
This post is by a banned member (TRADESY) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(14 August, 2023 - 04:39 AM)Darkness Wrote: Show More
@TRADESY Please PM me and @Liars with the screenshots of communication within 24hrs

Hi. Ready!
This post is by a banned member (TRADESY) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 15 August, 2023 - 02:35 PM by TRADESY. Edited 2 times in total.)
To all of the above, I'd like to add that this guy violated the rules for opening disputes -

He did not contact me or notify me that he wanted to open a dispute. Also he didn't try to resolve anything with me.
This is evident from the screenshots I sent @Liars @Darkness.

Dear stuff-members, I hope for your fair judgment. My thread has been suffering losses as long as there has been a DWC
This post is by a banned member (lunacy) - Unhide
3 Years of service
I'm not sure what there was to resolve, I asked you multiple times about the discord server and you were just saying "it will get done soon" then it took you 20+ days
me asking you multiple times for something that was included for what I paid for WAS me trying to resolve it
your thread hasn't lost sales from this dwc (that has only been open for ~4 days) you had said yourself that you only had 3-4 buyers since the 20th of June

if you honestly believed you're in the right then you wouldn't be trying to find any "technicality" to make this invalid, You're simply making yourself look worse

I'd also like to add that your guide isn't that good, you promise "useful and detailed information without any trash." in your sales thread but over 9 fucking pages is just about "Registering your Steam account" seriously? like really? 9 pages on how to make a steam account?

you also BARELY fill up the pages with info, most pages use a lot of spaces to make the book have lots of pages to make it seem more worth it
and a lot of the pages are just half filled 

like look at this page: this is an ENTIRE PAGE, he had all that space but he decided to add small sentences 3 lines separated

any of the mods can check it there are so many pages that just are barely filled out or useless info put in just so he can claim the book has more pages to seem more worth it

I'm not sure if he can claim "useful and detailed information without any trash." if most of his guide is "how to sign up on steam", a 75% blank page or 10+ sections of information that is unnecessary, Hell for people to buy a $160 multiple times I'll write a book about how to make a steam account 

he can't claim that he "didn't have enough spare" he does, he just wants to make it look like his book is better than it is, He cannot claim anything because if anyone looks at page 16 of the steam guide then wtf is this? it's just a whole fucking blank page
This post is by a banned member (TRADESY) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 15 August, 2023 - 04:55 PM by TRADESY. Edited 5 times in total.)
(15 August, 2023 - 04:10 PM)lunacy Wrote: Show More
I'm not sure what there was to resolve, I asked you multiple times about the discord server and you were just saying "it will get done soon" then it took you 20+ days
me asking you multiple times for something that was included for what I paid for WAS me trying to resolve it
your thread hasn't lost sales from this dwc (that has only been open for ~4 days) you had said yourself that you only had 3-4 buyers since the 20th of June

if you honestly believed you're in the right then you wouldn't be trying to find any "technicality" to make this invalid, You're simply making yourself look worse

I'd also like to add that your guide isn't that good, you promise "useful and detailed information without any trash." in your sales thread but over 9 fucking pages is just about "Registering your Steam account" seriously? like really? 9 pages on how to make a steam account?

you also BARELY fill up the pages with info, most pages use a lot of spaces to make the book have lots of pages to make it seem more worth it
and a lot of the pages are just half filled 

like look at this page: this is an ENTIRE PAGE, he had all that space but he decided to add small sentences 3 lines separated

any of the mods can check it there are so many pages that just are barely filled out or useless info put in just so he can claim the book has more pages to seem more worth it

I'm not sure if he can claim "useful and detailed information without any trash." if most of his guide is "how to sign up on steam", a 75% blank page or 10+ sections of information that is unnecessary, Hell for people to buy a $160 multiple times I'll write a book about how to make a steam account 

he can't claim that he "didn't have enough spare" he does, he just wants to make it look like his book is better than it is, He cannot claim anything because if anyone looks at page 16 of the steam guide then wtf is this? it's just a whole fucking blank page

At first you were not happy with the discord server and signals, but once you got my arguments you decided to switch to the book.

"I'm not sure what there was to resolve, I asked you multiple times about the discord server and you were just saying "it will get done soon" then it took you 20+ days
me asking you multiple times for something that was included for what I paid for WAS me trying to resolve it
your thread hasn't lost sales from this dwc (that has only been open for ~4 days) you had said yourself that you only had 3-4 buyers since the 20th of June"

Provide evidence of a chat where you were disgruntled and tried to resolve some issue, perhaps voicing your dissatisfaction. I provided all our chat and there is not a single word there that you are dissatisfied with something. But you also forgot to mention that in those 20 days you had time to buy items from the portfolios to make a profit.

I'd also like to add that your guide isn't that good, you promise "useful and detailed information without any trash." in your sales thread but over 9 fucking pages is just about "Registering your Steam account" seriously? like really? 9 pages on how to make a steam account?

9 pages are dedicated not to simple Steam registration, but to automation for investment/trading and instructions on how to configure SDA. There are people who hear about SDA for the first time and I just can't help but describe it in detail, as it's not just software - mafile and so on. hell, a person who hasn't encountered it will never understand how to work with it without instructions.

"I'm not sure if he can claim "useful and detailed information without any trash." if most of his guide is "how to sign up on steam", a 75% blank page or 10+ sections of information that is unnecessary, Hell for people to buy a $160 multiple times I'll write a book about how to make a steam account
he can't claim that he "didn't have enough spare" he does, he just wants to make it look like his book is better than it is, He cannot claim anything because if anyone looks at page 16 of the steam guide then wtf is this? it's just a whole fucking blank page"

There isn't a single blank page in my book. If you were actually interested in this and not if it was just another empty untenable argument you would realize that page size and page content depends on where you open that ebook. I can send a staff video, my desktop-word doesn't have a single blank page.

like look at this page: this is an ENTIRE PAGE, he had all that space but he decided to add small sentences 3 lines separated
any of the mods can check it there are so many pages that just are barely filled out or useless info put in just so he can claim the book has more pages to seem more worth it

OMG, Are you serious? [Image: who.png]
Every little stupid kid knows that after a paragraph ends, a new section should start with a blank page. It's a fucking good tone in paperwork, but you're trying to make it an argument in disput. [Image: hang.gif]

Ok, even if I listen to all this nonsense and format the ebook - you'll get 150 pages not 160 pages LOL. But I don't want my ebook to look like a pile of garbage where every new section is on the same page.
As for the content of the ebook - I am ready to privately defend every paragraph of my ebook with stuff and give lots of graphs and screenshots of why and wherefore it is written in the ebook. There are no unnecessary paragraphs in it and it is designed for beginners (including) who have never been familiar with Steam. If you know a basic paragraph, it doesn't mean that someone else knows it.
Your arguments are turning more and more into some kind of surrealistic nonsense. I'm receptive to criticism, but I haven't seen a single fair point made

As you can tell from the chat I sent to respected stuff, this dude hasn't written any such message to me in DM. It's just bogus agruments he's trying to make (choosing a new grievance each time) to get everything for free.
This post is by a banned member (TRADESY) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 18 August, 2023 - 12:37 AM by TRADESY.)
@Liars @Darkness
Any news? My sales are stopped because of this weird guy (I have more than one thread)

I'd also like to mention that the first news has started to reach and it's published in discord (because my buyers and VC have started responding to my invitations)
I haven't even kicked this guy out yet because I'm waiting for the stuff to be resolved
This post is by a banned member (S4L) - Unhide
1 Year of service
I'm involved in this as I've received a copy of the ebook sold, and was also waiting for a discord server.
The seller has always been very friendly and very fast on answers, and kept me updated on his project.

As I was waiting for a discord server to be created, the seller offered to send me signals and tips in DMs, which I have declined as it would have been more work for him, and because I could absolutely wait for him to get ready for it. Quality first !

As for the content of the ebook, I agree that it has some "easy" chapters. I've skipped them, but they would have been useful for someone not familiar with this process. In no way the content should be at fault. These "9 pages" out of 130 only represent 6.9% of the ebook. But it appears to not be the issue, as the buyer "only bought the guide because he promised an active discord server". Thus I believe he doesn't care about the content.

I don't believe @TRADESY is scaming, so the "SCAM REPORT" title has nothing to be. This is more of a "deal dispute", and it seems to be resolved now that TRADESY has a discord server.

I will not comment any further, thanks a lot for your time reading this.

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