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Team fight Tactics Boosting/Coaching/Piloting

by Atro - 14 April, 2023 - 08:09 PM
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 15 April, 2023 - 12:41 AM by Atro.)
Hello I'm offering TFT boosting piloting and coaching services.  I am a top 100 challenge player for multiple seasons I am currently on a small hiatus due to not liking this patch very much but I'm still very familiar with it and I am very familiar with the game and Hiatus typically just means playing 5 to 10 games they rather than you know 40.  So what can you expect from TFT sessions with me.

1) My pricing is extremely competitive I am cheaper than players that I'm much better than the offer coaching services.

2) I offer around your schedule and will do my best to adhere to that at all times.

3) Things are going to be impossible to learn from me in one session. But to make sure  you get your money worth I will do your first session for 2 hours to see if you would like to continue with more sessions.

4) Piloting is a very great way to learn a  well ass vod reviews.  Typically with piloting I will be telling you exactly what to click and I will be explaining each and every decision I make so you can get a better understanding for why and what you should be doing at any given time based on the units you see, w why I made that decision to help you create good habits.

5)  ppiloting is a part of coaching but another big thing for learning is about reviews me telling you what to do and you being successful will help you a lot in learning little tricks and things that you need to be doing correctly but reviews are where we can really highlight your mistakes and what you could be doing better

6) Strong openers and how to Tempo through the early game. Tempo is very important in this meta lose streaking is not a preference but there are a lot of times that it is acceptable and I quite often ind myself lose streaking, so playig from ahead or behind, when to lose sttrek when to win streak.

7)   this is a massive one I cannot stress this enough playing for a fifth is one of the most important things to be able to do in TFT 4th also obviously but the difference between an eighth and a 5th in LP loss can be anywhere from 60 to 10 so let's say you hit 300 LP Masters you went 3/8 in a row you lost 80 LP if you would have went 5th 4th and 5th you would have lost a total of 10 LP depending on where your MMR is at so playing for fifth is very important and is very important to realize when you need to be doing that I cannot stress this enough how to play for a fifth or if you're lucky a fourth.

8)  level intervals I see a lot of people will make the mistake of leveling at 21 a lot of times this can be good A lot of times it could be really bad and I will be glad to help you decide for between those two.

9)  metacoms on how to play them as well as anti-meta comps we're at a very rough patch right now it seems right keeps kind of going backwards on balance so there are a couple comps that are highly contested okay LeBlanc right now hacker LeBlanc and gadgetine plus one I do have a few comps that can guarantee top for me from this especially when there's going to be at least two LeBlanc players per Lobby going 6th/7th due to 5 way contest.

10)  The proper way to econ econ.  At some high challenge players even one of the biggest TFT streamers has a very bad habit of not rolling ever while you want to make econ break points and you want to make sure that you are at a good place gold wise  to move on and secure your top four.  This does not mean that you should not ever roll even at weird timings intervals just a couple rolls can change your game and keep you 20 hp healthier and guarantee a thought for rather than saving having 80 gold sitting there and then dying with all of it.

11)  itemization is a big thing a lot of players make the mistake of either greeting for too long with items being slammed or they don't greed long enough and end up losing to someone playing the same comp as them with better items etc etc.

12)  augment choices especially with champion arguments the game has gotten a little more complex there's a lot of sleep or augments that can win you the game or secure you a top four very easily these are specially one cost augments  more himself has said that one cost augments are about as strong as five cost augents

13) level intervals when the push levels and when the state level 7 or 8.

14)  we will go over vod's live play and also we will do piloted games where I'll explain to you what I would do in the situation during your live play or your vods I will correct you on what I think you could have done better as well as Life play I will let you ask any question you'd like and try to help you steer in the right direction but not play the game for you that would be safe for the piloting sessions

I can go on and on and on this is just the tip of the iceberg this is already a lot of free information and I didn't go into too much of it but even a beginner player can just read this and approve a lot but what I like to do is make sure you're improving if you do not opt in for boosting I do want to make sure that you receive the best coaching possible because I enjoy watching you improved as much as you probably will enjoy improving.

For pricing my pricing is extremely competitive I am cheaper than players that I'm better than by far  for example where I'm looking at a coaching website for a challenger player that barely is Challenger granted I'm top 100 that is charging nearly double what I'm charging for less time.  I offer bundles which reduce the price drastically and I'm also doing a cell for the time being so take advantage of this while you can.

You may get a consultation for 30 minutes for $7 this will basically tell you if this what is right for you if that's what you need which I can guarantee it will be if you are lower than Challenger player I can guarantee you that you will improve drastically.

I want to stress that my sessions are an hour to an hour and a half but I'm absolutely not anal with my time if it goes over it goes over if time permits for both of us and I don't mind I want you to get the most out of it

these are my current sale prices

1x Session   at $25 this compared to the 35 to $40 from the Challenger player mentioned previously

3x  session  $60

5x times session   $85

and the best deal this is called the Zero to Hero package it cost $175 this will guarantee you after 10 sessions you will be Diamond minimum no matter what rank you start at.

I know it's a lot to take in if you have any questions please feel free to reach out I will link my Discord here as well as mention that I do offer boosting if you do not want to go as far as coaching a lot of times boosting can be cheaper than coaching depending on how far you want to go I do have a price list for that if you would like to get more information on that please contact me at Discord

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W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Bumped #2
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W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Base) - Unhide
4 Years of service


[Image: Fax9oq1.gif][Image: Fax9oq1.gif][Image: Fax9oq1.gif]

This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Bumped #4
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W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Bumped #5
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W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Bumped #6
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W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Bumped #7
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W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Bumped #8
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W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.

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