It does not contain any paste (except 3 lines of writing an address) and never got detected.
Before you download:
- you should extract both of the files from archive (without Offsets.ini, the cheat won't work).
- you can update Offsets.ini yourself for any CSGO patch (I will post updates here too).
- to work correctly, you should run as administrator the cheat.
- don't close the command prompt, it tries to find the CSGO process, so open CSGO and cheat will work.
Cheat Features:
Aimbot - FOV based and with smooth
RCS (Included in Aimbot)
GlowEsp - HP based All different Glowstyles
ClrRender Chams
dwModelAmbient Chams
Triggerbot - Toggle or hold A .ini file which saves all your offsets so you don't have to update it
Toggle Glowesp - F11
Aimbot FOV + 0.2 - F7
Aimbot FOV - 0.2 - F8
Aimbot smooth + 0.2 - F9
Aimbot smooth - 0.2 - F10
Toggle Aimbot - F6
Toggle Bhop - F2
Shutdown Cheat - DELETE
Reveal Ranks - INSERT
Change GlowStyle - F1
Triggerbot Hold - E
Toggle Triggerbot - V
Toggle BodyAim/HeadAim - F3
Detection status: Undetected.
No junkcode, nothing changed.
Last update:
Before you download:
- you should extract both of the files from archive (without Offsets.ini, the cheat won't work).
- you can update Offsets.ini yourself for any CSGO patch (I will post updates here too).
- to work correctly, you should run as administrator the cheat.
- don't close the command prompt, it tries to find the CSGO process, so open CSGO and cheat will work.
Cheat Features:
Aimbot - FOV based and with smooth
RCS (Included in Aimbot)
GlowEsp - HP based All different Glowstyles
ClrRender Chams
dwModelAmbient Chams
Triggerbot - Toggle or hold A .ini file which saves all your offsets so you don't have to update it
Toggle Glowesp - F11
Aimbot FOV + 0.2 - F7
Aimbot FOV - 0.2 - F8
Aimbot smooth + 0.2 - F9
Aimbot smooth - 0.2 - F10
Toggle Aimbot - F6
Toggle Bhop - F2
Shutdown Cheat - DELETE
Reveal Ranks - INSERT
Change GlowStyle - F1
Triggerbot Hold - E
Toggle Triggerbot - V
Toggle BodyAim/HeadAim - F3
Detection status: Undetected.
No junkcode, nothing changed.
Last update: