Valorant Cheker Api Made By L0CK !
This Api was made by me for people that wanna check valorant account handly and to prevent from malawares in executables so i will make A guide down below so anyone can use it:
1 - *link*/account/api/v1?user=&pass= (TO CHECK A ACCOUNT FILL THE USER PASS CREDENTIALS EXAMPLES *link*/account/api/v1?user=IML0CK&pass=L0CKISTHEBEST)
2 - U Cant check same account twice in 24h so save results (TO AVOID SPAM)!
3 - Dont abuse!
lastly this api is hosted on free website so if u are intrested in a premuim version or u wanna invest/collaborate with pm me
This is a bump
This Api was made by me for people that wanna check valorant account handly and to prevent from malawares in executables so i will make A guide down below so anyone can use it:
1 - *link*/account/api/v1?user=&pass= (TO CHECK A ACCOUNT FILL THE USER PASS CREDENTIALS EXAMPLES *link*/account/api/v1?user=IML0CK&pass=L0CKISTHEBEST)
2 - U Cant check same account twice in 24h so save results (TO AVOID SPAM)!
3 - Dont abuse!
lastly this api is hosted on free website so if u are intrested in a premuim version or u wanna invest/collaborate with pm me
This is a bump