We have some offers for you, high paying!

we are looking for a partner who can provide us with traffic by advertising our website on any of the following services: Google, Bing.

please note that the traffic partner should already know how to bypass this type of advertising on these platforms without having his accounts banned or ads rejected.

he should also know what target keywords to use as we are not advertising experts.

We work on a 50/50 for profit basis, we can give the trafficer access to our bot channel (a private team with a total box office of !!! 13.798.258 USD ) to prove that his ad campaign is hitting the target.

Profits are measured in the tens of thousands of dollars! (Already Tested).
We provide maximum transparency.

If there are experts in Google Ads / Bing Ads - waiting for any suggestions!

contact us in PM
Or TGhttps://t.me/lomanikofc