Pokémon: Gold being the one I enjoyed the most (introduction of proper colours, day/night cycles, N64 Pokémon Stadium compatibility...).
Age of Empire: incredible back then, aged like fine wine. I started with AoE2, and enjoyed its sequel AoE3 (underrated IMO).
Super Smash Bros: arguably the best local multiplayer game franchise since N64.
Sonic Battle adventure 2: best 3D sonic game, with a nice Chaos side-game. In hindsight I'd really wish Sega made a proper Chaos game.
Mario Kart Double Dash: best Mario Kart game of the franchise (miss the GameCube gamer-oriented Nintendo games).
The Sims: the Sims 2 for the gameplay, the sims 3 for the architecture.
TF2: a f2p FPS that was indeed worth the weight
I shifted toward management games later on, but sometime come back to these gems.