OP 30 December, 2021 - 04:17 PM
so i need someone who has done twitch botting i need some info:
is it worth doing:
how much does it pay per month:
how many accounts do i need to start doing to get a profit:
is it hard?:
whats the best bot:
whats the best proxys:
thx and any info extra you think might help please dm me on telegram or discord: @UHQKarma UHQKarma#7259
is it worth doing:
how much does it pay per month:
how many accounts do i need to start doing to get a profit:
is it hard?:
whats the best bot:
whats the best proxys:
thx and any info extra you think might help please dm me on telegram or discord: @UHQKarma UHQKarma#7259