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Scam Report: TheRadiant - $150 (Lumosity, Magai)

by zenw - 06 June, 2024 - 05:30 AM
This post is by a banned member (zenw) - Unhide
3 Years of service
I’m waiting for him to solve about Lumosity issue
This post is by a banned member (zenw) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 11 June, 2024 - 03:03 AM by zenw. Edited 1 time in total.)
(07 June, 2024 - 06:15 PM)TheRadiant Wrote: Show More
(07 June, 2024 - 10:35 AM)Darkness Wrote: Show More
@zenw Any updates on this? @TheRadiant If there was no resolution between you two, please either refund OP within 24hrs or deliver a working Magai & Lumosity account.

magai issue he dmed me day before yesterday and its been resolved , waiting for him to dm me for Lumosity issue on tele to sort it out


I have been experiencing ongoing issues with a seller named Radiant regarding the accounts for Magai and Lumosity. Despite numerous attempts to resolve these issues, they remain unresolved. Below is a detailed summary of the events that have transpired since June 6, 2024. I have also provided a link to a comprehensive screenshot of our conversation for your reference.

### Summary of Events:

1. June 6, 2024:
   - I contacted Radiant via Telegram to request a new Magai account because the previous account was not working. I received an automated response saying that my inquiry was in queue and that the issue would be resolved later that day. However, no action was taken.

2. June 7, 2024:
   - Radiant provided a new Magai account with the following details: [[email protected]], Password: xxxxxx. I was instructed to ignore any subscription errors on the homepage unless I couldn't send any messages. Upon logging in, I noticed that the account was being used by someone else who communicated in Spanish, indicating that it was not a private account.

3. June 8-9, 2024:
   - I followed up regarding the Lumosity account and expressed my preference to switch to Klap. Radiant informed me that the cost of Klap was $130 but offered a 20% discount for a new purchase, making it $104. After deducting the $60 already paid for Lumosity, I needed to pay an additional $44. I confirmed this payment and provided the transaction ID (TXID: 94ccfeb5fb14ba455e53f1c389eaacb3cd85a6205d8807369073dfe702ba6641).

4. June 10, 2024:
   - I attempted to use the new Magai login credentials provided on June 7, but found that they were still not working. The account details provided did not exist according to the Magai login page.

### Next Steps:

Given these continuous delays and unresolved issues, I am seeking your advice. Should I continue waiting for the promised services, or should I push for a refund? Your guidance on how to proceed in this situation would be greatly appreciated.

For a detailed view of our conversation, please refer to the following link to the screenshot: Deleted due the safety

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
This post is by a banned member (TheRadiant) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 10 June, 2024 - 11:43 PM by TheRadiant.)
(10 June, 2024 - 03:13 PM)zenw Wrote: Show More
(07 June, 2024 - 06:15 PM)TheRadiant Wrote: Show More
(07 June, 2024 - 10:35 AM)Darkness Wrote: Show More
@zenw Any updates on this? @TheRadiant If there was no resolution between you two, please either refund OP within 24hrs or deliver a working Magai & Lumosity account.

magai issue he dmed me day before yesterday and its been resolved , waiting for him to dm me for Lumosity issue on tele to sort it out


I have been experiencing ongoing issues with a seller named Radiant regarding the accounts for Magai and Lumosity. Despite numerous attempts to resolve these issues, they remain unresolved. Below is a detailed summary of the events that have transpired since June 6, 2024. I have also provided a link to a comprehensive screenshot of our conversation for your reference.

### Summary of Events:

1. June 6, 2024:
   - I contacted Radiant via Telegram to request a new Magai account because the previous account was not working. I received an automated response saying that my inquiry was in queue and that the issue would be resolved later that day. However, no action was taken.

2. June 7, 2024:
   - Radiant provided a new Magai account with the following details: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), Password: Django69. I was instructed to ignore any subscription errors on the homepage unless I couldn't send any messages. Upon logging in, I noticed that the account was being used by someone else who communicated in Spanish, indicating that it was not a private account.

3. June 8-9, 2024:
   - I followed up regarding the Lumosity account and expressed my preference to switch to Klap. Radiant informed me that the cost of Klap was $130 but offered a 20% discount for a new purchase, making it $104. After deducting the $60 already paid for Lumosity, I needed to pay an additional $44. I confirmed this payment and provided the transaction ID (TXID: 94ccfeb5fb14ba455e53f1c389eaacb3cd85a6205d8807369073dfe702ba6641).

4. June 10, 2024:
   - I attempted to use the new Magai login credentials provided on June 7, but found that they were still not working. The account details provided did not exist according to the Magai login page.

### Next Steps:

Given these continuous delays and unresolved issues, I am seeking your advice. Should I continue waiting for the promised services, or should I push for a refund? Your guidance on how to proceed in this situation would be greatly appreciated.

For a detailed view of our conversation, please refer to the following link to the screenshot:

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Are you serious or joking with me ? cause you have just did the dumbest thing ever
Let me tell you the stupidity you did right now and the next steps that i will be taking:

Stupidity 1:
You posted your magai account uncensored on a forum , that account is on yopmail so anyone reading this report can access it and take control of that account and i can send screenshot of chat with a customer of mine he is the one who informed me that a customer has posted his acc on forum and its working which i just checked around 7hrs ago someone accessed mail and changed password , what else would you expect if you share your account publically? I just resetted the password and the account is working perfectly the reason you were told to ignore the error on home page is quite simple which is that am not paying magai out of my own pocket am I? Due to the method used to upgrade the error can show and hence u were told to ignore it.

And one more thing the credentials sent on 7june were working thats why you knew the error on homepage? and then you shared your login here and the customer of mine who told me on telegram that someone shared the account on forum and its working means he did what anyone would do ? changed it password?

Solution to your stupidity:
None , its you who shared your account publically on forum and now until the account doesnt stop fully no replacement will be provided to you

Proof that account is working :

@Darkness i believe you also might be aware of yopmail and are free to check the mailbox seeing that when was the password changed

Stupidity 2:
You did pay for klap 100% correct but did you check announcement in telegram channel that i had a flight so their is nothing to argue or debate their ur order is in queue.

Steps forward:

1) Wait for klap that order is in queue
2) Dont wait for new magai account as it wont be provided as sharing your account on forum is your stupidity and now you must wait for account to actualy stop working before a new account is provided.

Thank You 

Proof that a customer did dm me on telegram that the OP shared his magai account publically and that its working:
Running for more then 2year Upgrades of 150+ Services Done By Us 20000+ Customers 
[Image: SZXzx.gif]
This post is by a banned member (zenw) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(10 June, 2024 - 11:40 PM)TheRadiant Wrote: Show More
(10 June, 2024 - 03:13 PM)zenw Wrote: Show More
(07 June, 2024 - 06:15 PM)TheRadiant Wrote: Show More
magai issue he dmed me day before yesterday and its been resolved , waiting for him to dm me for Lumosity issue on tele to sort it out


I have been experiencing ongoing issues with a seller named Radiant regarding the accounts for Magai and Lumosity. Despite numerous attempts to resolve these issues, they remain unresolved. Below is a detailed summary of the events that have transpired since June 6, 2024. I have also provided a link to a comprehensive screenshot of our conversation for your reference.

### Summary of Events:

1. June 6, 2024:
   - I contacted Radiant via Telegram to request a new Magai account because the previous account was not working. I received an automated response saying that my inquiry was in queue and that the issue would be resolved later that day. However, no action was taken.

2. June 7, 2024:
   - Radiant provided a new Magai account with the following details: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), Password: Django69. I was instructed to ignore any subscription errors on the homepage unless I couldn't send any messages. Upon logging in, I noticed that the account was being used by someone else who communicated in Spanish, indicating that it was not a private account.

3. June 8-9, 2024:
   - I followed up regarding the Lumosity account and expressed my preference to switch to Klap. Radiant informed me that the cost of Klap was $130 but offered a 20% discount for a new purchase, making it $104. After deducting the $60 already paid for Lumosity, I needed to pay an additional $44. I confirmed this payment and provided the transaction ID (TXID: 94ccfeb5fb14ba455e53f1c389eaacb3cd85a6205d8807369073dfe702ba6641).

4. June 10, 2024:
   - I attempted to use the new Magai login credentials provided on June 7, but found that they were still not working. The account details provided did not exist according to the Magai login page.

### Next Steps:

Given these continuous delays and unresolved issues, I am seeking your advice. Should I continue waiting for the promised services, or should I push for a refund? Your guidance on how to proceed in this situation would be greatly appreciated.

For a detailed view of our conversation, please refer to the following link to the screenshot:

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Are you serious or joking with me ? cause you have just did the dumbest thing ever
Let me tell you the stupidity you did right now and the next steps that i will be taking:

Stupidity 1:
You posted your magai account uncensored on a forum , that account is on yopmail so anyone reading this report can access it and take control of that account and i can send screenshot of chat with a customer of mine he is the one who informed me that a customer has posted his acc on forum and its working which i just checked around 7hrs ago someone accessed mail and changed password , what else would you expect if you share your account publically? I just resetted the password and the account is working perfectly the reason you were told to ignore the error on home page is quite simple which is that am not paying magai out of my own pocket am I? Due to the method used to upgrade the error can show and hence u were told to ignore it.

And one more thing the credentials sent on 7june were working thats why you knew the error on homepage? and then you shared your login here and the customer of mine who told me on telegram that someone shared the account on forum and its working means he did what anyone would do ? changed it password?

Solution to your stupidity:
None , its you who shared your account publically on forum and now until the account doesnt stop fully no replacement will be provided to you

Proof that account is working :

@Darkness i believe you also might be aware of yopmail and are free to check the mailbox seeing that when was the password changed

Stupidity 2:
You did pay for klap 100% correct but did you check announcement in telegram channel that i had a flight so their is nothing to argue or debate their ur order is in queue.

Steps forward:

1) Wait for klap that order is in queue
2) Dont wait for new magai account as it wont be provided as sharing your account on forum is your stupidity and now you must wait for account to actualy stop working before a new account is provided.

Thank You 

Proof that a customer did dm me on telegram that the OP shared his magai account publically and that its working:

Hi @TheRadiant

I appreciate your detailed response, but I believe there are some misunderstandings that need to be clarified regarding the situation with the Magai account and the way this issue has been handled.

### Addressing Your Points:

1. Posting the Magai Account Publicly:
   - Reason for Posting: I posted the Magai account details publicly because the account was already non-functional. The login credentials provided were never accepted by Magai’s system, as clearly shown in the screenshot I provided. The error message "We didn’t find an account with those login credentials" confirms that the account did not exist or was inaccessible from the start.
   - No Risk of Unauthorized Access: Given that the account was non-functional, there was no risk of unauthorized access because the account couldn't be used by anyone, including myself. Posting the details served to demonstrate the issue that I have been facing for months without resolution.
   - Why Share a Non-Functional Account? There was no point in sharing an account that has been unusable for me for such a long time. The frustration comes from not having a working Magai account for months despite my repeated attempts to resolve this with you.
   - Log Activity and Timeline: If you have any doubts about the sequence of events, I can provide the log activity showing the timestamps of the messages I sent on Telegram and the time I posted on the thread. This will clearly demonstrate that I did not share a functional account; rather, I posted after realizing the account was inaccessible.

2. Professionalism in Handling Issues:
   - Expectation of Professionalism: Instead of questioning my actions, it would be more constructive to address the underlying issue with the same level of professionalism that customers expect. Timely and effective communication, along with prompt resolution of issues, are critical aspects of good customer service.
   - Delayed Responses and Solutions: I have been patient and have followed up multiple times regarding the Magai account and the switch from Lumosity to Klap. Yet, the resolution has been slow and unclear. As a customer, I expect that my issues will be handled with urgency and care, which has not been the case here.

3. Evidence and Functionality:
   - Evidence Strength: My provided screenshot with the error message directly from Magai’s system clearly indicates that the account was never functional. This is solid evidence compared to a general statement that the account is working without showing the specific email tied to it.
   - Need for Clear Proof: If you insist that the account is functional, please provide evidence that shows the current Magai account [email protected] is operational, including clear identification of the email in use.

4. Quality of the Provided Account:
   - Account Quality: No one would be foolish enough to share an account they paid for if it was actually functional. The fact that even I couldn't access the account reflects on the poor quality and reliability of the credentials provided. This is why I felt it necessary to raise the issue publicly after my own inability to use the account.

### Steps Forward:

1. Klap Account:
   - I will wait for the Klap order as advised. Please provide an estimated timeframe for this to be fulfilled. Clear communication on this would be appreciated.

2. Magai Account:
   - Since the current Magai account is non-functional, as demonstrated, I request either a replacement account or a full refund for the service that has not been provided. Continuing to insist that the non-functional account is usable is not a viable solution.

### Final Thoughts:

I hope we can resolve these issues professionally and promptly. As a customer, my expectation is to receive the services I paid for or a refund if they cannot be provided. I am open to resolving this amicably and hope for your cooperation in resolving this matter effectively.

Thank you.
This post is by a banned member (TheRadiant) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 11 June, 2024 - 02:49 AM by TheRadiant.)
Am sorry am not reading all that bs , the recorded proof that the account is working has been shared to you in your dms and the reason of screenshot saying account not found could simply be you entering wrong pass and after you posted the mail here someone else aka a customer of mine who saw the mail simply resetted password which i have changed back right now to show you the account is working

In my recording you will see that on yopmail their are 2mails received 

1st mail received at 16:26 which is a magai password reset mail requested by a customer of mine who saw the account posted by you hare and he just took advantage of the opportunity

2nd mail received at 23:34 which is me , i resetted the password to see that is your claim true or now

@Darkness the video proof of magai account working perfectly has been shared to the OP and to you in dms 

I believe the OP either was entering wrong pass or idk what and he got the error of account not found and just rushed into a stupid decision of posting his account publically which isnt my mistake or anything so i cant do anything about it , for his klap account he will receive it by tomorrow and magai he will get replacement only when the account simply stops working and not a day before it
Running for more then 2year Upgrades of 150+ Services Done By Us 20000+ Customers 
[Image: SZXzx.gif]
This post is by a banned member (TheRadiant) - Unhide
2 Years of service
confirmation from OP that the account is indeed working:

if now the password keeps changing that is due to him sharing his account on a forum publicly , magai doesn't allow mail change so until the account stops working am not responsible for any and all password change issues
Running for more then 2year Upgrades of 150+ Services Done By Us 20000+ Customers 
[Image: SZXzx.gif]
This post is by a banned member (zenw) - Unhide
3 Years of service
I’m here to provide an update on the situation.
Firstly, I want to thank @TheRadiant for resetting the password for me. Upon further inspection, I realized that the issue with accessing the Magai account was due to a space in the password. When I copied the password, it included an extra space, which caused the login to fail. This minor detail led to the prolonged discussion we had over the past few replies.
I’m happy to report that, after removing the space, I can now access the Magai account without any issues. The service is working perfectly, and I appreciate the prompt action taken by @TheRadiant to resolve this matter.
As for the Klap account, I understand that it’s in queue, and I look forward to receiving it soon.
Thank you again for your help, @TheRadiant. I appreciate your assistance and patience in resolving these issues.
This post is by a banned member (Darkness) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
@TheRadiant @zenw Any updates on this? Is this solved now?
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