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Scam report against Kingpin

by RefundsByK - 07 July, 2022 - 03:35 PM
This post is by a banned member (RefundsByK) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 07 July, 2022 - 03:56 PM by RefundsByK. Edited 2 times in total.)
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 500
Screenshots of Communication: 
Additional Information: Payed  him 500 so he could mentor me through my first refund and fill in the blanks in the things that I already knew. Gave me all the basics but went into 0 detail, and then when it came to my first refund he said he couldn't help. Then he just banned me from the group. So now I'm stuck with an product and -500. He claimed it wasn't possible to be done, but i'm currently in contact with multiple other refunders and they all say that it can be done. (Quick edit, I've been in contact with Kingpin for almost 2-3 weeks and this whole it was very difficult to get a hold of him, i'd have to contact him multiple times just to get an response and when he does, it's always the same old aka 'i'll look into it/i'll dm someone' then never reaches back.)
Crypto address for a refund: We used Cashapp, which is £Kirils12
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @Kingpin (Kingpin) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
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This post is by a banned member (Kingpin) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (RefundsByK) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 07 July, 2022 - 04:28 PM by RefundsByK. Edited 1 time in total.)
Scammed someone for an valorant account?  We had a deal and he later pulled the account back which I knew he was going to do. And this wasn't the first time one of your members sent me a message, as you can see the second conversation between me and a customer of yours also messaged me lieing about needing help because you wasn't able to help/it takes you too long to respond (Same thing in my case). Of course me trying to be helpful I said I could, and I also sent you a message regarding him as soon as he messaged me in which you responded saying this:    Clearly it shows you admitting that it wasn't actually me trying to get customers/scamming from your group. It's also funny you say I removed our chat because I knew you would, So i screen recorded our whole conversation so if an admin would be interested in seeing it I would be more than delighted to share that.
As from the get go when I first ever messaged you, the deal was you would help me with my first refund. I messaged you about what domain of amazon to use, and what product. You said everything was correct. Then when I started asking for scans/mentorship you simply said it wasn't possible, which is just simply not true because like I've stated earlier I have other refunders that are able to do it and doing so at this moment of time. My only reason was buying this whole mentorship was not for the most basic well known poorly written methods  you gave out, but to know i will get my first refund successfully, which you failed to help with. Therefore you couldn't uphold your side of the deal and I would like the refund for the waste of time (almost a month). I learnt nothing and gained nothing out of this group, biggest waste of time and money ever. Your responses are so slow it's impossible to get a hold of you, and you pretending like you'd get onto it today is just so lame because you've been saying this for the past week or two, just admit you can't help out and give the refund.

Edit: Also if you try and even make it out like it's only me making this up, this is what another member of ur 'mentor group' had to say when he messaged me (he's also from the uk)
This whole mentorship thing is a joke and it's clear you don't even take it serious. You're putting more effort into replying on this thread than you did with trying to help me with my refund. Actual joke.
This post is by a banned member (Kingpin) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (RefundsByK) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 07 July, 2022 - 05:00 PM by RefundsByK. Edited 2 times in total.)
Look, to keep it simple, you could write all the paragraphs you want, but it doesn't change the facts. Right now you're simply waffling about completely different things, things that i already mentioned or talked about and proved you wrong on with evidence. The fact is, I have an refund, my first refund with you even. I've been informing you about this refund ever since it started if not earlier. To this day, you have failed to complete the refund, or even start it from what i'm aware of, no matter what the reasoning is. It's a fact. It might not be possible for you, but other refunders can, so clearly there's an misunderstanding from your side, maybe unexperienced I'm not too sure. You keep implying I'm trying to scam. Scam what exactly? I've gained nothing, if anything i've currently lost everything. All these methods u give it out is public knowledge, 0 depth and 0 help. You gave me nothing, nothing I can work with. Stop trying to act like you actually put in effort and gave me something because we both know that's not the case. Stop the waffling And keep it straight, you basically scammed me. I payed you for an service and you were unable to provide it. Therefore, i'm liable for an refund. It's amazing to me how much effort and time you can put into try making out your innocent right now but when i asked you simple little questions on telegram it would take you several days to respond. And for my refund now i've been waiting 2/3 weeks with no progress. You truly are special. Just because people don't report it to you personally, if you check my previous response it's clear other people think the same. Your mentorship is lame.

Edit: Now he's saying it's fake messages, oh my god ahahahah how can you be this stupid.
Same screenshot but now  with the date:
Notice how he's refusing to take blame and going towards silly excuses like 'fake screenshots' jesus grow up. 

Edit 2: Why would I fake screenshots/delete screenshots if I have a FULL Screen Recording of our conversation? That I can easily show to anyone who's interested? You are really not the smartest huh.
This post is by a banned member (Kingpin) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (RefundsByK) - Unhide
2 Years of service
So since he keeps bringing up this me  'trying to scam' his customers or whatever lmao, i'm going to address here and here only.
The guy that he keeps referring to, I have 0 idea who he was, but he messaged me this:
Considering I'm starting out, and I knew a few label/scan services I thought yeah sure why not help him out, I had 0 idea he was involved with the mentorship at this point.
I told him I could sort him out an scan but they cost around 100+, never told him to send me any money, I just stated if he wanted a scan done they would be around that price range, not once did I say i personally offer scans. I was just going to refer him to where he can get one for around that price. He then told me:
So as you can imagine I forwarded this to floridaman (aka Kingpin) via screenshot instantly and he responded with:
As you can see I was fully transparent with him to let him know I wasn't trying to do anything at all, I sent him a screenshot of the full convo which he then replied with:
So at this point he knew I didn't have any bad intentions and we was good. But here he is currently, trying to make it out right now that I'm a scammer that dms his customers and i'm in the wrong. 
Now please move on and address the real issue, me being banned and you not being able to help with an refund almost 3 weeks after it was placed.

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