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by Manalishi - 19 April, 2020 - 04:19 AM
This post is by a banned member (Manalishi) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 22 November, 2022 - 07:27 PM by Manalishi. Edited 1 time in total.)
This post is by a banned member (MaxRose) - Unhide
4 Years of service
it is quiet natural to be depressed
This post is by a banned member (Manalishi) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(19 April, 2020 - 06:49 AM)MaxRose Wrote: Show More
it is quiet natural to be depressed

I agree it is very natural these days, but was it natural to be depressed for humans always?
This post is by a banned member (bacon_3133) - Unhide
4 Years of service
I seriously recognise that we experience stress when we are triggered into Fight or Flight mode. Depression is the result of not being able to resolve the FoF behaviour.  I think that if you change your mindset to recognise more positive than negative influences, maybe we can experience less depression bouts? Yes it is natural to become depressed, but it is not your destiny to BE depressed.
This post is by a banned member (Fal123) - Unhide
3 Years of service
This post is by a banned member (Korokun) - Unhide
3 Years of service
I'm depressed because of the lack of trust i have in people. They tell you one thing and do the opposite. If law wasn't a thing and crime could run rampant or let's say a 'purge,' I'd definitely let out my emotions on a few people. And it's not everyone, it's just a select few that ruin it for them. I don't mind opening myself up to them, but be a good person and treat others with respect.
This post is by a banned member (tyrie123) - Unhide
3 Years of service
There's an interesting video on Youtube called "What's the point of Depression?" on the channel "What I've Learned". It goes into a possible evolutionary explanation and perspective. It was pretty fascinating. Check it out if you get a chance (I don't want to spoil it lol). I've come to realize how there are so many different factors that can influence mental health.
This post is by a banned member (JamesRegister) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(19 April, 2020 - 04:19 AM)Manalishi Wrote: Show More
Lately I've been thinking a lot about this, why are humans the only animal that are constantly depressed, have anxiety, personality disorders etc?

My conclusion so far is 2 major factors the first one is: We live in 3 timelines simultaneously where as other animals do not. We live in the past, present and the future all at once and constantly spend time worrying about things we cant change and things we don't even know if it will happen, why do we do this? Animals use purely instinct in every action and they can only live in the present, why don't we? We say we have a gut feeling but we are afraid to use it because of consequences that can happen in the future from using our instinct.

The second major cause I realized is that we live in a man-made world. Nothing we do is natural and close to nothing we eat is natural anymore, even if you buy pure organic "whole foods" they have still been manipulated and bred into something unnatural and man-made, even the meat is unnatural because of gene manipulation trying to harvest as much meat as we can from an animal so they grow grotesque and unnatural amounts of muscle. Humans are so disconnected from nature that we believe nature is something bad. How can something be bad if its nature?

If we lived in only 1 timeline and accepted nature as the only logical way to live would we still be depressed? I don't want to sound anti-society but we have to realize that society is a man-made logic, it has no actual meaning in nature. And what about money? Money will only ever work as long as both parties believe it exists, in fact its just a number on a piece of paper or numbers on a computer screen. What value does that have to nature?

Something else I've been thinking about lately is all the growing obesity in the world and how we try to manipulate our bodies with surgery, rather than eating our natural diet? Never in history have humans eaten such large quantities of sugar, carbs and fiber. We are even unable to digest fiber it just goes out the natural way and plants contains a lot of anti-nutrients that binds to minerals and honestly making us more unhealthy? I know this goes totally against the food pyramid, but why is the food pyramid designed to make us unhealthy and why is all processed foods bombed with pure sugar? People say people are just fat and lazy these days but honestly obesity has really only existed for less than 100 years when the food industry came along. Did a sudden Homer Simpson -virus spread across the world making everyone hungry and lazy? Of course not, we are just not eating the food that our body is designed for. We literally have the exact same bodies as we did 50,000 years ago so why would we eat anything different from back then? Raw meat, fish, eggs, fruits (in season), roots, nuts etc? Please notice how humans did not eat rice, potatoes, sugar, pasta, bread etc back then, and according to mainstream science diabetes is a modern disease, it did not exist in our ancestors. Diabetes is a man-made disease like most other things around us today.

If you took your time to read this random rant then massive cred to you! lol

Dude I completely agree with you, I think is because we get bored and start thinking about shit. If everything was decided merely on instinct we would not be in this situation but then again that would make us none human. Idk man this world is a whole trip and who know if it even ends.... I know we all die one day and that ends our physical living life here on earth but who knows what else is out there. What is the second part of this journey or what was the first? Ughhhhhhhh getting depressed thinking about it, I'm just going to start actually working or do something to take my mind off this.

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