Let me start this off by saying that I have NOTHING against weed Whatsoever.
[font]I was just hoping that any of you younger adults, that don't have a serious penchant for smoking or eating or vaping or boofing or absorbing it already . . . or however you crazy kids do your weeds nowadays, those of you that haven't start getting serious into weed yet, and you're under 18: WAIT.
Really it should be if you're under 21. But I realize that at 18 you're going to partake if you want to, because at 18 you think you know anything about the world lol - I am 23 now. Been smoking since I was 15. And it never really adversely affected me to be honest, I never got into any serious trouble with the law (One arrest for Simple possession at 18), and I never failed a drug test for work or anything, despite driving a nice new Dodge Ram company truck for the last couple of years ..
but now that I'm a little older, just seeing how much I have changed over the years .. It leaves me wondering more often than I'd like to admit, if maybe I hadn't smoked, would I be a that much better version of myself? Maybe if I just smoked on occasion instead of HEAVILY, the way I did smoke especially 16-19.. Then by 20 I had moved onto painkillers and I'll just let imaginations take over from there.
Anyway, enough rambling - the point is that you should wait. Especially if you are someone who takes pride in your intelligence, in your name and reputation, and in your own opinion of yourself as well. No, weed does NOT make you dumb. By any means. But it isn't making you smarter either, and if it stunts your brain's development (which its been proven to do in people under 25-ish) then that's something worth taking into consideration before hopping into any drug. Especially one with such a welcoming and supportive community.
And for anyone tempted to say it: Yes, weed IS fucking addictive. You know it is, so don't give me that bullshit. It isn't physically addictive, no. It isn't like heroin where you'll literally think you're gonna die, but it IS addictive. And if you didn't know, the mental addictions can be just as bad as any physical. Mind over matter, right?
Anywho, enough rambling about weed for one night. I just wanted to add some caution to this topic .. again, i'm not anti-weed at all. I love weed. But if I had never started smoking, and I knew then what I do now, then there's about a 60% chance that I'd never start. Make your own decisions, just know ya gotta live with them~ [/font]
☮︎Peace and love homies☮︎