Hello JackReacher, I am very Sad rn because you said my emote is not HQ :(
You have a Cat profile Picture but you dont like blush cat..
I respect your opinion on the emote, but other people seemed to like it. Are you a cat that has something against other cats? :(
If yes, you probably have your reasons.
why are you always saing "suc mah dic", i am very sad
everytime you say it to meh...
.................................................................................................................. WANT TO DONATE ME Bitcoin Address :15VLtGb5t3kevpnrNqZmR1YQ9xawxHNTjR ETH :-0x521bA1EC5231c516f214114E9b9dd2d0325bC95C
(23 July, 2021 - 11:46 AM)succman669999 Wrote: Show More
Hello JackReacher, I am very Sad rn because you said my emote is not HQ :(
You have a Cat profile Picture but you dont like blush cat..
I respect your opinion on the emote, but other people seemed to like it. Are you a cat that has something against other cats? :(
If yes, you probably have your reasons.
why are you always saing "suc mah dic", i am very sad
everytime you say it to meh...
He's a bad boy. He needs booty slap for being a bad boy
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My ONLY active forum account is here on cracked.io all other sentonta names are fakes.