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Intuit TurboTax 2021 (US - Any Edition + Unltd States) with Manual Crack Instructions

by rx8god - 19 January, 2022 - 01:45 AM
This post is by a banned member (winthryth) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 29 February, 2024 - 12:20 AM by winthryth.)
If anyone is having issues where they have the registry keys set for certain states, but they refuse to download and Turbo Tax says "Everything is up-to-date" the official TurboTax tool from  here was able to solve my problem.

(25 February, 2024 - 04:41 AM)ebc1680 Wrote: Show More
I made all the dll changes but for my state return, I am getting the Error: 190.

Your federal tax return is now on your computer. Lets get your New York state forms next. 
Error: 190

For the state tax, TT is not downloading my home state. When I change the registry to add other states, those state forms get downloaded. Problem is only for my home state.  Next to my home state, it shows Start button and when I click it, it says Getting your state and then it says your software is up to date, however, nothing was downloaded.

 Try  the official TurboTax tool from  here was able to solve my problem when my state refused to download.
This post is by a banned member (jedilord99) - Unhide
Anyone with the Turbo Tax Business link?
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This post is by a banned member (hr911) - Unhide
1 Year of service
installation Instructions for Turbotax Business 2023
This post is by a banned member (t20t20t) - Unhide
Thank you for sharing this and the helpful guide.
This post is by a banned member (hr911) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 02 March, 2024 - 06:55 PM by hr911. Edited 1 time in total.)
The TurboTax Business 2023 crack is quite simiar to the individual program, however there are key differences so read carefully.

Part A. - Remove the splash so it doesnt force you to the website - Note: same as individual crack

1. In the dnSpy program(run in Administrator mode), click on File -> Open. Navigate to "C:\Program Files\TurboTax\Business 2023\64bit" and click on "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.UseCase.dll" and click Open
2. The file will open and be highlighted in the left pane. Click on the arrow next to the file name in the left pane to expand the item. A purple item will show, click on the arrow to expand the menu
3. Find the yellow item labeled "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.UseCase.Startup" and click on it. A green item called "LifeCycleUseCaseController" will show, click on it to expand.
4. A bunch of orange names will now show. Find the one called "PerformStartup( <stuff in here> ) : void" and right click on it. Click on the option that says "Edit Method (C#) ..."
5. A window with code will open. Within the code, delete line 144 which has the following: this.ShowActivationDialogWindow(splashWindow);
6. Once you delete the line 144, at the bottom of the window, click "Compile" and the window will close.
7. In the main window of dnSpy, click on File -> Save Module. A window will open, click on "OK"

Part B. - Tell the program what product you want - Note: different from indvidual crack

1. In the dnSpy program(run in Administrator mode), click on File -> Open.  Navigate to
"C:\Program Files\TurboTax\Business 2023\64bit" and click on "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.Interface.dll" and click Open
2. The file will open and be highlighted in the left pane. Click on the arrow next to the file name in the left pane to expand the item. A purple item will show, click on the arrow to expand the menu
3. Find the yellow item labeled "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.ProductConfiguration" and click on it. A green
item called "ProductConfigurationProperties" will show, right click on it and choose "Edit Class (C#)"
4. A window will open. You need to change two values in here. First, change LINE 14 to
be: public string productSKU { get; set; } = VariantConst.EditionNames.SmallBusiness.ToString(  );
5. Second, change LINE 74 to be:
public string baseSKU { get; set; } = VariantConst.EditionNames.SmallBusiness.ToString();
6. Once you have set the two lines, at the bottom of the window, click "Compile" and the window will close
7. In the main window of dnSpy, click on File -> Save Module. A window will open, click on "OK"

This should get the program running, but now we add the states

Part C. - Getting the states to work - Note: this part is the same hacks as the invdividual version

1. In the dnSpy program, click on File -> Open. Navigate to "C:\Program Files\TurboTax\Business 2023\64bit" and click on "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.dll" and click Open
2. The file will open and be highlighted in the left pane. Click on the arrow next to the file name in the left pane to expand the item. A purple item will show, click on the arrow to expand the menu
3. Find the yellow item labeled "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.TaxDataModel" and click on it. A green item called "TaxReturnStates" will show in the list, click on it to expand.
4. A bunch of orange names will now show. Find the one called "AddStateToReturnByFormsetId(string) : bool" and right click on it. Click on the option that says "Edit Method (C#) ..."
5. A window with code will open. Within the code, modify LINE 22 to read  bool flag = true;
6. Additional modify the following - Line 23 : bool flag2 = true;
7. And also change Line 30 : flag4 = true;
8. Once you modify the line, at the bottom of the window, click "Compile" and the window will close.

Now go back to the left pane, we are still working in the same "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.dll"

9. Find the yellow item labeled "Intuit.Ctg.Wte.Service.Entitlement" and click on it. A green item called "EntitlementService" will show in the list, click on it to expand.
10. A bunch of orange names will now show. Find the one called "IsStateEntitled() : bool" and right click on it. Click on the option that says "Edit Method (C#) ..."
11. A window with code will open. Within the code, DELETE LINES 16-20 (the whole if else
    statement), then enter in return true;  (your method will now only have the return true in it)
12. Once you delete the lines and add the line, at the bottom of the window, click "Compile" and the window will close.
13. In the main window of dnSpy, click on File -> Save Module. A window will open, click on "OK"

Part D. Downloading the state files - Note: different from individual crack

Update the program/download state forms if needed.

To download state forms for TT Business, use following state codes (two letters after "w" specify state abbreviation):

- wmopbpmStateIS - for Partnership

- wmocbpmStateIS - for C-Corp

- wmosbpmStateIS - for S-Corp

- wmofbpmStateIS - for Estates and Trusts

Above state codes should be added under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Intuit\TY23\BIZSTATES] registry key as "string" with a value set to 1.

Thats it!, some of the features with states may require, clicking around and starting/restarting etc.
This post is by a banned member (KARICUQUI) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(04 January, 2024 - 01:32 AM)annnaballa Wrote: Show More
TT2022 it has Win32:Zorex. I guess I don't need to be worried right? Waiting for 2023 crack/patch

I purchase the software every year and just follow the instructions and can file as many taxes as I want without signing in or using a activation code. I haven't been able to do state ones though.
This post is by a banned member (Iceman5715) - Unhide
5 Years of service
New update, doesnt work =/

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