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Scam Report Against WorldWarrior

by Artseries - 05 January, 2024 - 07:23 PM
This post is by a banned member (WorldWarrior) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 06 January, 2024 - 06:40 PM by WorldWarrior.)
(06 January, 2024 - 01:57 PM)Artseries Wrote: Show More
You are mentally unstable
I literally proved every one of my point, maybe you dont know how to read
You re sad and pathetic bye now , im waiting for @Darkness to reply

nice try getting away with statements u cannot answer np ill wait upon staffs decision clown

The following configs have been fixed:
Coldstone : Added Capture | Proof:
Stubhub : Added Capture | Proof:
Tagdeal : Added Capture | Proof:
Carters : Fixed | Proof:

False Claims By User:
- Shipt | Not working at all
Working Proof:

- Raising Canes | Skips 100%
Working Proof:

- Scheels | 100% skips
Working Proof:

- Sephora | Config work for 700 requests then it dies
Working Proof: | (Tested By Customer)

All configs can be sent to forum mods to config / the user can test himself (but i dont think this retard even knows how to use configs lmao  [Image: kekg2.gif] )

And for this statement for the OP "  Also lets not forget that user never mentoined that his configs work (2-3 of  them lol) with only 5-10 bots
Which normally tells that its going to give you a very slow cpm " In All above screenshots a cpm above avg can be seen so @Artseries u son of a bitch u better watch out what u speak next nigger
Need custom configs/checkers made?



Over 300+ Vouches on channel & 2 Yrs+ in service with multiple satisfied customers!
This post is by a banned member (Artseries) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (WorldWarrior) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 07 January, 2024 - 03:37 AM by WorldWarrior. Edited 2 times in total.)
Again And part where he says I never told user it needs solver i would like to ask the user why did it took u 7 days to ask for a refund even when u instantly knew it needs a solver u could have asked me for a refund huh?

And for where he says it's shit list u fucking piece of shits it's not all hits brain-dead retard ur a fucking asshole who doesn't even have money for food rn and wants a refund

And for Sephora it's already at 1.4k requests u blind ass I can even record a video for a asshole like u or just give configs to mods I ain't a shit guy who's trying to get aways like u do to ur customers LMAO

" that shit is public asf! " Find me a public configs that even works and for others configs like groupon, ihg , dsw u cannot even afford to use it pooron it's meant for rich users and not broke ass retards like u

@Liars @Darkness we are waiting on ur decisions
Need custom configs/checkers made?



Over 300+ Vouches on channel & 2 Yrs+ in service with multiple satisfied customers!
This post is by a banned member (Artseries) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (WorldWarrior) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 07 January, 2024 - 12:55 PM by WorldWarrior.)
(07 January, 2024 - 04:36 AM)Artseries Wrote: Show More
Quote:Again And part where he says I never told user it needs solver i would like to ask the user why did it took u 7 days to ask for a refund even when u instantly knew it needs a solver u could have asked me for a refund huh?

Mate, it could take me another 1 week, i tried to make things work with you, but you bitch ass nigger trying to scam me 75 usd and still have the audicity to call me poor, you re something else fr
Quote:And for where he says it's shit list u fucking piece of shits it's not all hits brain-dead retard ur a fucking asshole who doesn't even have money for food rn and wants a refund

Oh cope harder lil pooron, the wordlists are literally named Raisingcanes And Scheels, thats how retarded you are
Quote:And for Sephora it's already at 1.4k requests u blind ass I can even record a video for a asshole like u or just give configs to mods I ain't a shit guy who's trying to get aways like u do to ur customers LMAO

Another statement that shows you how retarded you are, nigga you cant get away with it sephora config is broken shit dies instantly, you really thought u got away with a screenshot huh ?, Yeah go make me a video, or give the configs to mods(please do this, you will get embarrased you lil bitch)
Quote:" that shit is public asf! " Find me a public configs that even works and for others configs like groupon, ihg , dsw u cannot even afford to use it pooron it's meant for rich users and not broke ass retards like u

Meh, nigglet you are retarded, I always knew that you are braindead who skids other people configs, the reason i come to your cloud is because im lazy to search thru 100 silverbullet telegram groups to find leaked configs

Now cope harder little bitch, you have 2 options 
1.You give me a hypedrop config that has capture and does not require captcha solver
2.You refund me my $ 

@Darkness we waiting for you

Also i forgot to mentoin that i purchased the cloud in 31 DEC, it was holidays, you really thought i would spend my holiday time asking your bitch ass to refund me

Since you crying so hard about how i didnt ask you to refund me, i purchased cloud in 31 dec, you must be retarded that i would sort shit with you in holidays (new years eve), 1 jan 2 jan were holidays for me you poor retard. i asked you to refund me on 3 jan
Not now you bitch, not today!, but in 3 jan, You ignored me for 2 days, I opened a scam report and you suddenly started answering 

Proof of purchasing cloud in newyears eve
[Image: 04TgIsr.png]

Proof of me complaining that the configs are shit in 31 dec
[Image: WYwyhW3.png]

Proof of the retard "forgetting to say that hypedrop needs a captcha solver"
[Image: mMmrdNc.png]

Proof of me asking for a fucking refund which i got ignored! on jan 3 
Yeah you bitch it didnt take me 1 week to ask for a refund it took me 3 normal days (1 business day) cuz you ham bitch i dont try to sort shit out with retards like you in my holidays
[Image: 5FEPlUS.png]

and refund me my shit, i dont even want to work with you anymore, you are jjust a pity scammer

Also here some more proof that you are just a pity retard scammer

First you ignored the fact that configs dont have proper capture and they have shit capture not needed capture
[Image: ShL5FC1.png]

Then some hours later you come here and say You added the capture 
[Image: DdLa22r.png]

You are a moron fr, a pity fucking scammer, now bye bitch

Not gonna waste time reading all that crap waiting on mods decesion such a clown you're  [Image: clown2.gif]

All the configs have been sent to @Liars on telegram!

@Darkness @Liars
Need custom configs/checkers made?



Over 300+ Vouches on channel & 2 Yrs+ in service with multiple satisfied customers!
This post is by a banned member (Artseries) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (WorldWarrior) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 07 January, 2024 - 05:33 PM by WorldWarrior. Edited 2 times in total.)
(07 January, 2024 - 02:07 PM)Artseries Wrote: Show More
You broke nigger first you asked me why it took me 7 days then when i pointed shit out u say this
you are just a broke indian nigger
As i said
I want my refund

Again waiting on mods ignoring this cry baby and for the refund part even if i refund its gonna be a partial refund and not a full refund for obvious reasons (cry harder)
Need custom configs/checkers made?



Over 300+ Vouches on channel & 2 Yrs+ in service with multiple satisfied customers!
This post is by a banned member (WorldWarrior) - Unhide
3 Years of service
@Liars @Darkness
Need custom configs/checkers made?



Over 300+ Vouches on channel & 2 Yrs+ in service with multiple satisfied customers!

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