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Scam Report: @SANTA refund service and VIP membership

by elephantom - 02 June, 2024 - 07:32 PM
This post is by a banned member (elephantom) - Unhide
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 0.042 BTC (1000 EUR on August 25, 2023)
Screenshots of Communication:
Additional Information: I am creating this report to reopen the previous report I filed against Santa ( That report was closed because I didn't check Cracked quickly enough to see the request for proof. 

Here is proof that Santa opted for his own shipping labels:

To summarize the issues I raised in the last thread, because of 1) the lie that he would be able to do the refund “with no issue,” 2) the omission that the refund could be denied, 3) the atrocious customer service with extremely delayed response times, 4) advertising Wayfair as refundable using an insider when there really was no insider, and 5) the insults and threats to do the refund in a dangerous manner even after I asked him not to proceed, Santa is an untrustworthy seller. I would like a full refund of the BTC amount I paid for the VIP membership.

Crypto address for a refund: BTC 3522P6mhemk2hJdZUYAaFnBEcYeW5b9GDt
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @SANTA (SANTA) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
[Image: v6F3tGP.gif]
top ad by @briskybrisk [exp 14/07/24]

[Image: Banner.gif]
mid ad [exp 15/07/24]

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This post is by a banned member (SANTA) - Unhide
6 Years of service
Few weeks passed by, here we go again...

"You accused me of lying for two reasons:

1) Advertising Wayfair as a refundable store and confirming we could refund it when you messaged me
Repeatedly, I've emphasized that u seem unwilling to comprehend. Wayfair refunds weren't insider-based, the success rate wasn't 100%, and I never guaranteed success via private messages or elsewhere. Refunding services can't assure refunds without insiders marking orders as refunded. That's the only way I could guarantee anything. I mentioned weeks ago (in response to this report) that if our success rate with Wayfair was high when u contacted me, with only a few failed orders among many successes, it's reasonable to continue advertising Wayfair as refundable and confirming refunds for it

Following ur logic, the deal dispute section would be inundated with reports against refunders because a few orders fail daily, yet refunders persist in advertising stores as refundable and confirming they can refund them. Using common sense, refunders aren't lying; they (myself included) can still advertise and confirm refunds for a store, even if a few orders fail

2) Not informing u when a refund "failed"
Once again, u're demonstrating a lack of understanding of refunding services, which is becoming increasingly frustrating. When an order is encountering difficulties but hasn't entirely failed, I (and any other professional refunder) wouldn't confirm failure because there's still a chance of success, even if the process appears to be heading towards failure. Similarly, with successful refunds, if store support confirms or suggests that an order will be or has been refunded, my customers won't receive confirmation from me until I'm certain that the refund was successful. Customer support at some stores may mislead by claiming an order will be refunded or has already been refunded. If I were to provide this information upfront and then the refund process encounters issues, it would lead to confusion and frustration

It's pathetic that after months of inactivity, u're attempting to pursue this issue. Always remember, u still have access to what u've paid for, but u're choosing not to utilize it. It's ur decision, not mine. I've fulfilled and continue to fulfill my responsibilities. Whether u wish to continue or not, I'll be here to provide what u've paid for because the subscription remains active regardless. If u choose not to continue, u can ignore and avoid me as u did before "

Previously explained here:

" 1) Refunds are never guaranteed and will never be
2) I never guaranteed 100% success, aside from stating that I can process Wayfair refunds. This does not mean that if 10 orders are refunded successfully, ur order will be refunded without issues as well
3) I have never threatened u or any other staff member. I have explained the two methods used by refunders and stated that we opted for the safest one (not the fake police report option) on tg
3) You have messaged a staff member who provides basic support by replying to customers in group chats. They do not have access to the spreadsheet containing the orders we are refunding
4) You were not ignored. If I have an update for u, I will send you a private message with the exact news. There is no point in writing/replying to each customer with "No updates for now." It's time-consuming and pointless
5) Priority support means answering questions that have not been answered already or questions that make sense. I have explained why there is no point in writing "no updates" on a daily/weekly basis when I can write to u when I actually have something new
6) It has been 7 months +, and u have had enough time. To reiterate, if you were looking for only one refund (the Wayfair one), u could have paid our fixed fee upon refund confirmation instead of paying $1000 USD for a cheaper fee and a few other perks. You are clearly trying to abuse the VIP system by requesting a refund on an unsuccessful first refund. This is not how a VIP subscription works
7) If, after 7 months since u paid for it and 5 months with no questions or orders from u , u appear out of nowhere asking for a refund, u are delusional
8) I am still willing to offer everything that the VIP plan offers, including cheap fees on refund confirmation, tips and tricks on bypassing security, a private store list custom-made for each customer and up-to-date limits, etc. I hold no grudges and look forward to hearing from u"

Previously explained here:

TL;DR: The customer misunderstands that refunds are not guaranteed. He fails to grasp that information from a 3-4 month old announcement by a Wayfair insider is outdated, as insiders are typically fired within a week or a few weeks at most (most refunders can confirm this). He suspects I might resort to faking a police report or employing other dubious methods on his account, putting him at risk. However, I have never resorted to such tactics with him or any other customer. The mention of a police report was merely an explanation to convey that incessant complaints and pressure, yield no results, especially when directed towards someone attempting to ensure the safest method for their order refund (nowadays, most of the refunders claim "instant refunds" "super fast refunds" "insider" "safest", while the method behind all of these claims is just a fake or real police report WITHOUT customer's knowledge)

PS: I still don't understand the issue with the labels. If Wayfair requests my team to ship items independently instead of providing their own labels for an easy FTID, it indicates a near-zero success rate for the order. It's impossible to know in advance if Wayfair will supply prepaid labels. There are ways to work around shipping with our own labels to facilitate refunds with their prepaid ones. If a customer receives an email about shipping with their own labels, it suggests that Wayfair repeatedly rejected prepaid labels. This seemed to apply only to a few items, so my team proceeded cautiously, almost item by item, aiming to secure prepaid labels for at least 50% of the order, if not the entire order

In conclusion, Wayfair's success rate has declined, as evident by its recent lack of promotion as a top store. Refunding is unpredictable

Next time, if you only seek a single refund, refrain from purchasing a membership for discounts on multiple orders. Claiming to seek only one refund while holding a membership is disingenuous and an attempt to exploit VIP benefits. It's unreasonable to expect a refund for something you still have access to but refuse to utilize because of one failed refund. It's been nearly a year since u acquired access, and u only responded after months of silence upon seeing my messages. If people can't see through ur intentions after this market surge, it's baffling
[Image: z4nupn.webp][Image: 2c4mrd.webp]
[Image: t7exyf.webp]
This post is by a banned member (elephantom) - Unhide
When something is not guaranteed, it's your job as the seller to not advertise them as guaranteed. Instead, you advertised the refund as being "no issue" to do. This did not indicate any doubt that you'd be able to do the refund.

It's also your job as a seller to take down advertisements that are no longer accurate. When you leave up your advertisement for the Wayfair insider, you are advertising that this method is still active. You cannot expect customers to magically know that the insider is no longer active.

You are deliberately understating the police report situation. As shown in the screenshots I submitted, you threatened multiple times to proceed with a police report (which you said yourself was a dangerous method), despite my repeated claims for you to stop. This was unacceptable and insulting.

If you had dealt with me honestly before the refund (for example, by telling me the Wayfair insider wasn't active and that there was a chance of failure, instead of claiming you'd be able to do it without a problem), I may have still wished to utilize your services. Your lies, threats, and insults prove that you are an untrustworthy seller and not someone I would like to do future business with. Had I known this is how you do business, I would have never purchased the VIP membership. Because I have never used any of the benefits, refunding me should not be an issue.

You keep trying to tie this back to the market surge. It's completely irrelevant -- I am out the amount of BTC I paid you, which is the case no matter what its market value is. I waited this long to open this report due to fear of retaliation, since you had (and hopefully no longer have) access to my personal info that I submitted with the refund.
This post is by a banned member (SANTA) - Unhide
6 Years of service
It's evident that u have no experience with refunding services, and even after nearly a year since you purchased VIP access, you still do not understand how these services work. I have repeatedly explained that "no issue" means my team and I can initiate the refunding process, which typically has a high success rate, though not 100% as no method guarantees complete success.

If u are scrolling through our Telegram channel and reviewing announcements from 3-4 months ago (when u filled out the Wayfair form), and thinking u can rely on insiders who are often dismissed within a few days, you are mistaken. This is another indication that u do not understand how refunding works and do not fully grasp what u purchased.

When I mentioned the possibility of using a risky method, it was because u repeatedly pressured and complained, despite my explanations that the refund process might not always succeed. I never claimed that I would use an insider or that the success rate was 100%. You paid for multiple refunds and all other advertised features, not specifically for the Wayfair refund. Demanding a refund for one failed attempt is unreasonable. Imagine if I charged u a 35% fee for a successful first refund; this would be equivalent to ur request for a full refund on the VIP membership due to one unsuccessful refund. When purchasing VIP membership, u receive the lowest fees regardless of success rates, and just as I cannot charge higher fees for success, u cannot request ur money back simply because u choose not to continue working with me.

There were no police reports, no involvement of law enforcement, and nothing illegal was used on ur account. Therefore, ur claim of being scared is unfounded. You were aware that nothing illegal would be used against u. Your complaints were unfounded while I tried to clarify the situation.

You still have access to all services even after these months. You are the one refusing to utilize what u paid for, not me. I am not ignoring or denying what u purchased; it is ur decision not to use the services. A refund cannot be issued for something u had and still have access to. Stop with the false claims about ur private information and other lies. After over eight months of inactivity and a market surge, u are merely trying to get a quick refund.

Next time, ask the seller upfront about what u are paying for, whether insiders are available, and any other questions u might have before making the payment. It is clear that u did not care and still do not care about what u purchased, focusing solely on the market surge. Such behavior is highly disrespectful.
[Image: z4nupn.webp][Image: 2c4mrd.webp]
[Image: t7exyf.webp]

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