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Self thought; Where does the wealth really come from?

by Danger - 25 June, 2022 - 10:24 PM
This post is by a banned member (Danger) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 25 June, 2022 - 10:27 PM by Danger. Edited 1 time in total.)
Have you ever thought critically; from where does the wealth really come from? Actually, It would be a better phrasing to say, who creates the wealth? Who produces it? Who makes it? From who are the resources of the world dependent on? Who are the people responsible that keep humanity going?

Surely not Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and other wealthy men. They are wealthy, yes, but they did not make the wealth. They took the wealth. The wealth is the value they possess, but that value was produced by someone else. They are the people in power. They control the wealth. They use the people that make the wealth.

The CEOs, people working at offices, digital jobs? No, they don't create the wealth. They manage it, distribute, they and process the wealth. They don't really make the value, they dont make the wealth. The wealth is theirs, but they did not make it.

Let's go back in reverse and analyze this; Who's at the top? The wealthy. Who controls their wealth? Employees who sit on a chair and do nothing all day. We're in a loop. They do not make the value.

Money is value. The wealthy have the money. What does the money bring you? Material goods. What else can money bring you except material goods? Nothing.

Think about it; money is dependent on material goods. If there is no material goods, money is useless, because you can't do anything with money; since there's no material goods. You now come to the conclusion and realize that money has it's value because there is material goods you can get with that money. Get rid of the material goods, and the money is worthless.

Let's use the term "real" for the material goods, since it is really what gives money the value. Anything that gives money no value, we will call it "unreal".

Who produces the material goods? Surely not the wealthy. Nor people working at the offices. They are not making a damn shit. They are clicking some keys on their keyboard, moving their mouse. Thinking. Watching a screen. They are doing something that has no real value, it does not add to the wealth. It does not add anything to the global material goods.

So, if money's value only comes from material goods. Who is really making the material goods? Actually, let's analyze this further. What are material goods that give money it's value? What is the material goods that all humanity is dependent on? What's the material goods that allows us to survive? There is many answers; one of them is food. You need food to survive. Without food, you die. Your life is dependent on food. Therefore, if there is no food, you cease to exist. With money, you buy food.  Now, think about it. Who is producing the food?

It is the peasants, it is the hard workers, it is the people we dont even know that exist, because we are never told about them. It is the people that sweat all the day, it is the people that lose fingers fishing, it is the people that suffer from illnesses, from skin cancer, working all day on sun. It is them, who are giving the money it's value. It is exactly them who are feeding us all. It is them who keep everyone alive. Yet, we dont even know about them. We don't even get to appreciate everything they do. The workers. They are the richest of rich, they are the people that gave us everything we have. Yet, they get the least of it. They are treated like shit. They actually do not exist in our vision. Because none tells us about them. Workers are slaves at the modern time. They make everything, they suffer the most, they get paid the least and they get other people rich. They are truly the slaves. We are dependent on them, yet we treat them like pure shit.

How unfair this is? How unfair it is that we are treating like shit the exact people who work and bring us everything? What I am saying is; they are the ones who deserve everything. They are the ones who deserve the money that the rich collect. It is their money we are stealing.

Fuck the rich, fuck the wealthy. They are not wealthy because they worked, they are wealthy because they stole the money from the workers through legal loopholes, which government made possible for a certain group of people. After all, this is how the world works. Without leaders there's no evolving. But, how fucked up is this?

I believe capitalism is fucked up. Really, really fucked up. And it needs to be fixed.

I just wanted to bring attention to this topic, that not everyone has thought about.

Please, treat the workers with respect. They make what we have.

They are the ones that make the wealth, but don't get it.
This post is by a banned member (Extraordinary) - Unhide
5 Years of service
are u high?
[Image: FtiXiFX.gif]

This post is by a banned member (ethereum) - Unhide
2 Years of service
im too lazy to read all that with my attention span of 2 seconds but yeah i agree  [Image: ughpepe.png]
This post is by a banned member (Vortexyz) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (sadnigga2) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (Danger) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(25 June, 2022 - 10:32 PM)ILostmyBTC Wrote: Show More
bruh im way too high but i read the whole thing and you right Pepe smoke 2

communism seems fucked up too tho so what would be a good solution? Shrug

I dont know. I dont fucking know. All I know is that this is a big flaw. And people are ignoring this. They act like everything is fine and capitalism is the best system to exist. We should be made aware of the flaws. Solution is a very difficult and probably impossible to achieve. Georgism? Maybe it could work. Maybe it could not. We don't know what's perfect. But we should all be treated equally.
This post is by a banned member (Webshift) - Unhide
4 Years of service
Who stops you from "stealing the money from the workers through legal loopholes" and becoming rich, it all depends on you, if you want to be a worker or a wealthy man, go ahead, it's your choice and if you can manage to do it, a capitalist system doesn't stop you.
[Image: qeK4A1N.gif]
This post is by a banned member (Danger) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(25 June, 2022 - 10:42 PM)k2kevv Wrote: Show More
Who stops you from "stealing the money from the workers through legal loopholes" and becoming rich, it all depends on you, if you want to be a worker or a wealthy man, go ahead, it's your choice and if you can manage to do it, a capitalist system doesn't stop you.

Hey. Fuck off with that mindset. You did not get my point. It's not about getting rich. It's about valuing and treating the people that make everything for us fair. Is that simple. You either get it what I said, or you don't. And if you don't. Get the fuck off.

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