We recently seized 600$ (0.02686305 BTC) from a user who was offering an auto bump service in the shoutbox marketplace, which violates our rules. As a result, we have decided to use these funds to give back to the community. We will be holding a giveaway where we will be giving away $500 to five lucky winners, and the remaining funds will be subject to Bitcoin's price fluctuations.
Please note that the amount for the sixth winner is uncertain as it will depend on the current value of the funds at the time of the giveaway. It could be as low as $60 or as high as $144, depending on the Bitcoin market.
The winners will be selected at random by writing a comment, and the giveaway will end in five days (7th March 2023).
We hope that this giveaway will not only provide a fun opportunity for our community but also serve as a reminder to follow our rules and guidelines. Thank you for your continued support, and good luck to all participants!