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Pitcher & Nvck - | Lies, Gaslighting & Avoiding Payments

by lunacy - 12 February, 2023 - 06:11 AM
This post is by a banned member (lunacy) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 12 February, 2023 - 06:14 AM by lunacy.)
Scammers Profile Link: and
Sales Thread: NA - (all deals were done through dms)
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $350

To make sure the story is as clear as can be I will give out ANY slight important detail to ensure it makes sense:

Pitcher is the reason this DD is being made, scamming us by constantly refusing to pay us

Captive is MY 50/50 partner. we own and - this is important since some/most of the screenshots and conversations regarding the deals done with pitcher is mainly captive speaking/doing the deals

Nvck is pitcher's 50/50 partner and the holder of all the money that pitcher, himself and makes.
In a way, pitcher is scamming his own partner as well. Nvck was FULLY aware that he owed me and captive money (but is barely online and so all the deals were done through pitcher)

What was the deal?
1. 10,000 1m promos for $300
2. lifetime redeemer key for $150
This sums to $450

We ended up doing some trades, reducing the amount owed as we did a deal for a lifetime telegram advertising slot.
This reduced the owed amount down by $50, making the current total $400

After some time with the lack of payment from Pitcher, we decided that we could take 7000 promo links and $190 instead of just the money.
However, despite this benevolent deal we posed him then, he still failed to deliver, giving us only 1750 promos throughout this whole ordeal.
Due to his slow delivery (and the promos having a rapidly approaching expiry date), we changed it to just him owing us $350

Note: A lot of trades, changes and other things have happened to this deal since they've been owing us this money since either late 2022, or early 2023.
PROOF OF THE DEAL:  +  proof of us changing the deal so it ends up being $350 and we get a lifetime telegram ad slot

Now to the actual scam

Nvck is really nice and honestly was trying to help us before pitcher fucked him over as well
Nvck fully understood he owes us the money, He actually GAVE pitcher the money so that pitcher could give the money to us
After Pitcher took the money off Nvck, Pitcher is now refusing to give the correct amount 

Proof of Nvck paying Pitcher and him TELLING Pitcher to pay us

Us asking Nvck to send the money and Nvck saying he told pitcher to send the money

Here I'll be showing the many attempts and conversations to get pitcher to pay us  -  this is in pitcher's/nvck's/cheapboost's discord server
Keep in mind, in these screenshots he is acknowledging he needs to pay us with him also knowing the amount he needs to pay us as well

The WHOLE conversation of pitcher basically saying he WILL not give us the money / not the whole $350 (unedited, full conversation)  -  randomly removes $150 from the owed amount  -  saying this because the redeemer got patched and that he'll just get the new redeemer when we update it, despite our TOS not covering that ( )  -  then he says "I don't give a fuck bout your tos haha", acknowledging we have a tos, yet he simply does not care

He proceeds to then say "if u gonna act like that, then I am gonna act like that too", "you trying to say "no need anymore the promos" even when we have sent them already" - here we have the audacity of Pitcher trying to get back at us for not wanting his promos - note that the deal we had previously arranged was over a month earlier and the promos are now expiring within a few days
he also says "and if no VCCs received by today, will also remove $100 (500x VCCs) from the 200$ payment and will end being $100, Lmk"  -  this is referring to a whole different deal we had like 3 - 5 months ago
the deal for that was, he sends us $200 and we send him 1000 VCCs before the "Xbox Nitro Promotion Ends" that was the exact deal, the xbox promotion doesn't end until another ~100 days so we can technically take our time with that  -  tries to cancel a deal that is already in progress so he can save money (he didn't have an issue with that deal like 4 months ago but now he does?)  -  admitting to using our redeemer for days, but still wanting a FULL refund  -  he challenges us to post the DD because he made us wait so long that most of the proof is gone... BUT THANK GOD WE SAVE AND BACKUP A LOT OF SHIT

keep in mind most of the accounts will say "deleted user" because discord terms us very often

The BEST proof for the VCC stuff  -  I was obviously joking about the "scam him" part I was just fucking around since it was in a discord group chat
but the date on that is 10/20/2022  LITERALLY undeniable proof, I can't just time travel 4 months ago and post that

the reason that I'm talking about the VCC stuff is because pitcher is trying to gaslight us into thinking that we didn't agree to "giving him the vccs before the promo ends" so he was going to use that as a strategy to try to make us look bad and try to make us look like scammers but we ain't that dumb

we can even give him the VCCs now/soon there's no issues with that

Us asking each other when pitcher will send the money:

You're probably thinking "oh well those could be photoshop", "you could've used inspect element" and you're right, it isn't enough proof That's why I'm willing to add ANY staff member to our PRIVATE group chat where all the messages were to 100% confirm that those images/text is real and word for word unedited

I'm tired asf, I might've missed something or done something wrong but I will change it if needed

Additional Information:
Pitcher is very use to getting scam reports, as you can see from their DWC history (from nvck and pitcher since they run the same shop)

If these are the people going out of their way WITH proof to post a scam report, imagine the other people they're fucking over, imagine if I didn't have all the proof I have
pitcher constantly does this, He will wait till the last second to refund/give someone their product or money ONLY if they make a scam report, if you don't he will just ignore
like look at this case, after months of trying to get money he hasn't given it, it's always ONLY if you make a scam report against him

I've even had a scam report against him before because I had to wait over 50 DAYS for my product because he didn't want to give it, IT'S ALWAYS when you make a scam report and threaten his money, business and rep he will give you a refund or the product  -

I know people that work in his server, there are plenty of tickets just of people wanting to get their product and them just being ignored

@Liars @Darkness  if you let this continue it'll never break the cycle of pitcher just straight up scamming people, I would recommend you put a permanent DWC on his profile to at least warn people from this guy
the manipulation, gaslighting, lies, ghosting and scamming

Crypto address for a refund:

I've sent pitcher his vccs, even though I didn't have to
it will just remove one of the statements he'll use to make me look bad

here is proof:
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @nvck (nvck), @Pitcher (Pitcher) have been notified about this dispute via private messages and have 24hours to reply in this thread
[Image: Banner.gif]
top [exp 16/010 /24]

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This post is by a banned member (lunacy) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 12 February, 2023 - 01:19 PM by lunacy.)
I'm going to sleep, I'll reply within 30 hours from now, depending on if pitcher or nvck can reply to this

"So the user have received & used 1,750 promos ( 1,750 * $0.03/per = $52,50 USD - $350 USD [amount of money owed] = $297,50 USD left."  -  we already did the calculations $350 is the owed amount AFTER taking off the money from the promos  -   I'm realizing now that I think that's wrong  I guess the owed amount is around $300 then

"Another thing. We have agreed on Lifetime license of the redeemer for $150 USD (at 01/05/2023) we received our license & exe of the software, everything was okay, no issues. Then randomly at approximately 01/08/2023, the software has stopped working and we have not received any updates as of the date I am writing this post. We have used the tool for approx. 3 days and the user wants to make us pay for his "lifetime subscription"? No, thanks."  -  it was a perfectly working tool, stuff gets patched that's just how this market works, we have TOS that you know of:  -  then he says "I don't give a fuck bout your tos haha", acknowledging we have a tos, yet he simply does not care

You're acting like we've taken the redeemer license away and that we are denying giving you it, We're just working on updating the tool, then you will be given the new working redeemer

"We don't want this tool anymore, we have been paying for another paid tool weekly licenses (at $20/week, if we do math's from 01/08/2023 as of now have passed around 5 weeks [ 5 weeks * $20 = $100 USD ]) If we do pay for a Lifetime subscription it's obviously to stop paying monthly fees, that's called common sense. But there's no point of paying a tool's lifetime subscription and still continuing paying monthly for another tool that does literally the same. Because of this, we don't want anymore the lifetime subscription, BUT we are TOTALLY opened to pay for the time using his tool, let's do some more math's.
The user sells his tool for $75 monthly ($75 / 30 = $2,50 a day) we have used his tool for 3 days approx. ( $2,50/day * 3 = $7,50 USD ), that's what we gotta pay for the time using their tool."
You can't just decide that you don't want a lifetime tool anymore, ALL sales are final and you know that
just because it didn't work out in your favor doesn't mean we have to just do whatever you want

""Another thing. I remember that we have made a deal approx. 5-6 months ago for 1,000 VCCs and we have paid before ($200 USD).
We have received 500 VCCs so far, but there are still 500 VCCs pending. This deal was made 5-6+ months ago, We never complain about waiting because we prefer to avoid discussions, but since this is happening, then we are totally open to discuss now.
I've been asking Captive for the VCCs the whole week, he always was saying to me "dev fixing stuff", "I used the vccs, will give tomorrow", etc... lots of excuses. Now, after telling him to just remove the VCCs worth for the deal (If 1,000 VCCs were sold for $200 USD, $200 / 1,000 = $0,20 per VCC. If 500 VCCs are pending, 500 * $0,20 = $100 USD).
After 5-6+ months waiting for the VCCs, we don't want them anymore, the user have took way too long, it's ridiculous. We just don't want them anymore. I've been also waiting the whole week without receiving a single VCC. Now that I started complaining, I randomly received the VCCs, but unfortunately, I don't want the VCCs when they can, I need them when I want them, been waiting the whole week and received none, now randomly received them all after complaining of that, no thanks.
So I'd prefer to just obtain a refund of these 500 VCCs I've been waiting for 5-6+ months.
$155,00 USD (Money owed) - $100 USD (500x VCCs worth) = $55 USD Money owed.""
bro what?, you made it that we can basically give you the vccs whenever (when the promo ends), You're only having an issue with this because you just wanna save money from the debt you have
I gave you your VCCs BEFORE you even made this reply and now you're gonna just straight up lie again? and say you haven't been given it?

nobody cares about what you "prefer" you can't just complete deals and then after a while go "oh well I don't like that deal anymore, I'll just not pay them, lie, gaslight and DEMAND to take off $250 from what I owe because I feel like it

@Pitcher I'm not gonna wait for you to reply and just make a never ending back and forth arguing about the same thing over and over
I'm just going to wait for a staff member to see all of this and wait for them to give their opinion

I would """"prefer"""" if you did the same as well, we both know doing this type of back and forth arguing goes nowhere
so I'm most likely not gonna reply to you if you make another post, as it's pointless, I've given more than enough proof and explained it enough for a staff member to decide what to do

You already HAVE the VCCs, you already have HAD and USED the redeemer, You Cannot backout of deals that have already been completed
This post is by a banned member (Pitcher) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (Liars) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
@lunacy Provide your BTC wallet. Do so within 24 hours.
[Image: Banner.gif]
AD by  @GoodEatsB4U exp 8/12/2024
[Image: 3KRc17x.gif]
Ad by @Bears - expiring 9/4/2024



Ad by @- expiring 09/11/2024
This post is by a banned member (lunacy) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(14 February, 2023 - 11:32 PM)Liars Wrote: Show More
@lunacy Provide your BTC wallet. Do so within 24 hours.

Just got on, here it is: bc1qxwrulg4e37gf02wghczjarfzxvqp24jmlfpash

he's sent me $200 already, so he just needs to send the remaining $150
This post is by a banned member (Pitcher) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (lunacy) - Unhide
3 Years of service
I'm not lying about anything, Yes the deal dispute was looked into by someone else

Unfortunately he didn't even look into the whole scam report and didn't look at all the proof, We made a telegram group chat and he wanted me to re-explain everything
and even wanted me to just give a short summary (so it didn't feel like all the proof was looked at etc)
[Image: e0mIpFQ.png]

Pitcher was able to lie his way out of $150, $100 from the VCC deal and then the other $50 from him trying to change the amount I owed him

I personally don't see any issues with having a couple different people look into this, So I can get all the money I'm owed instead of pitcher just lying to not have to pay the whole amount

@Liars I would really appreciate if you could just look into the VCC related deal and give your opinion on if I'm owed $150 or not

The important parts of proof is:

He proceeds to then say "if u gonna act like that, then I am gonna act like that too", "you trying to say "no need anymore the promos" even when we have sent them already" - here we have the audacity of Pitcher trying to get back at us for not wanting his promos - note that the deal we had previously arranged was over a month earlier and the promos are now expiring within a few days
he also says "and if no VCCs received by today, will also remove $100 (500x VCCs) from the 200$ payment and will end being $100, Lmk"  -  this is referring to a whole different deal we had like 3 - 5 months ago
the deal for that was, he sends us $200 and we send him 1000 VCCs before the "Xbox Nitro Promotion Ends" that was the exact deal, the xbox promotion doesn't end until another ~100 days so we can technically take our time with that  -  tries to cancel a deal that is already in progress so he can save money (he didn't have an issue with that deal like 4 months ago but now he does?)  -  admitting to using our redeemer for days, but still wanting a FULL refund  -  he challenges us to post the DD because he made us wait so long that most of the proof is gone... BUT THANK GOD WE SAVE AND BACKUP A LOT OF SHIT

keep in mind most of the accounts will say "deleted user" because discord terms us very often

The BEST proof for the VCC stuff  -  I was obviously joking about the "scam him" part I was just fucking around since it was in a discord group chat
but the date on that is 10/20/2022  LITERALLY undeniable proof, I can't just time travel 4 months ago and post that

the reason that I'm talking about the VCC stuff is because pitcher is trying to gaslight us into thinking that we didn't agree to "giving him the vccs before the promo ends" so he was going to use that as a strategy to try to make us look bad and try to make us look like scammers but we ain't that dumb

we can even give him the VCCs now/soon there's no issues with that

Us asking each other when pitcher will send the money:

You're probably thinking "oh well those could be photoshop", "you could've used inspect element" and you're right, it isn't enough proof That's why I'm willing to add ANY staff member to our PRIVATE group chat where all the messages were to 100% confirm that those images/text is real and word for word unedited

and pitcher is just trying to say that we never agreed to do "give 500 vccs before the xbox promotion ends"

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